Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results Assignment

Week 6-Motivation: 

According to the given website, some of the best workplaces to work in the UK are Home service UK, Arm, Hays, Unilever, American Express, Google, etc. On the other hand, some of the best workplaces in the EU are Hilton group, Cisco, Mars, DHL, H&M, etc. Employee motivation is important of the human resource management of any organization (Elliot & Yeager, 2017). With the help of effective employee motivation the performance and efficiency of the individual employee can be enhanced. Employee motivation also encourages the employees and staffs within organization to achieve the shared goals and objectives of the organization. The prime objective of the employee motivation is to encourage the people to increase productivity and performance of the organization. The motivational techniques are more or less same for the top organizations of UK and EU. For example, Google is one of the best organizations of the world which motivates the employees by ensuring attracting benefits and excellent work environment (Petri & Govern, 2012). Most of the top companies provide a wide number of extrinsic benefits such as insurance; flex spending accounts, vacation packages, no cost health and dental benefits and reimbursements for motivating and encouraging the employees within workplace.  

Week 7 ( team at work and Group behavior)

According to research study of Hackman regarding successful teamwork it can be observed that there are some factors that needs to be considered during development of the effective team which are team should be small to divide the tasks into several team members. The organization should develop the project based team in order to minimize the valuable time for coordination among the team members (Witte & Davis, 2013). It can be also observed from the study of Hackman that the management should provide support to the team members such as clear defined responsibilities of the team members, group based rewards etc. I think these elements are necessary for effective tea performance. 

The other conditions like development of clear and concise goals, timelines and budget for completion of the activities are also important for developing effective team. 

In order to develop the new team for an international marketing campaign I would use some necessary steps such as setting up the clear and concise goals, small team group, diversified skilled people, rewards and targets in order to avoid some of the problems defined by Hackman. Yes, the overall group can be divided into small group by breaking down the subtasks so that it can help to achieve the goals. 

Week 8 Activity (Leadership): 

According to the given view link about leadership theories, it can be observed that the trait theory of leadership mainly focuses upon the physical, social, personality, and intellectual of the leader. Some of the traits or characteristics of trait leadership areas listed below; 

  • Good decision-maker 
  • Intelligence 
  • Assertive 
  • Self-confident 
  • Flexible 
  • Trustworthy 

On the other hand, the behavioral leadership theories mainly emphasize the specific behaviors that differentiate the leaders from the non leaders (Haslam & Ellemers, 2014). In behavioral theories, the leaders are not the born leaders who can be trained for being leaders. The above-discussed theories are valid for leaders to manage various activities within the workplace. 

A successful leader should have some basic skills such as communication skills, time management skills, negotiation skills, computing skills, managerial skills, and leadership skills through which the individual can become a leader (Lunenburg, 2012). The organization can select the leader who has such kind of traits and skills and who can take ownership of the organization for achieving various goals and objectives of the organization. By proper motivation, training and mentoring the leader can be developed. For example, Steve Jobs, the leader of Apple Inc is an example of good leader. 

Week 9 (Power and Politics): 

If I were Samantha Park I would prioritize the tasks of the project in accordance with the difficulties and importance of the tasks. If the project requires some knowledgeable parts I would manage the part by myself. If the tasks are complex to carry out the project I would meet with other team members for delegating the tasks. The prime objective of the project would be to complete each and every task within the limited time frame. 

Parks have self-control over how to deal with the creative people for carrying out the project. She will explain the overall guidelines of the project to the team members (Mitgang, 2012). Parks also will monitor the working activities which can help to control the output of the project. This also could help the other team members to understand about expectations of the CEO. 

It is not right that executives should try to control the project for maintaining authority. The executives can guide the team members in accomplishing their goals. Controlling project is not the proper way to manage authority. Executives should provide important decisions about the business to manage the overall tasks.  

Week 10 (Conflicts and negotiation)

I think that there should be an appropriate work environment where issues in the workplace can be discussed. I also feel that by making strong group dynamics, different problems and issues within a workplace can be solved (Connell, 2014). The goals of the project should be taken into consideration during discussion. Sometimes managers can bring unspoken conflicts into open without making them worse by encouraging the employees to discuss their issues within the workplace. 

The negotiators utilize the conflicts management strategies to reach the same goals which are demanded by both parties. The negotiators either focus on differences or emphasize the common interest between the two parties. The negotiator also may use compromise techniques to provide equal benefits to both parties


Elliot, A. J., Dweck, C. S., & Yeager, D. S. (Eds.). (2017). Handbook of Competence and Motivation: Theory and Application. Guilford Publications. 

Petri, H. L., & Govern, J. M. (2012). Motivation: Theory, research, and application. Cengage Learning. 

Witte, E. H., & Davis, J. H. (2013). Understanding Group Behavior: Volume 1: Consensual Action By Small Groups; Volume 2: Small Group Processes and Interpersonal Relations. Psychology Press. 

Haslam, S. A., van Knippenberg, D., Platow, M. J., & Ellemers, N. (Eds.). (2014). Social identity at work: Developing theory for organizational practice. Psychology Press. 

Schlaerth, A., Ensari, N., & Christian, J. (2013). A meta-analytical review of the relationship between emotional intelligence and leaders’ constructive conflict management. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations16(1), 126-136. 

Lunenburg, F. C. (2012). Power and leadership: an influence process. International journal of management, business, and administration15(1), 1-9. 

Mitgang, L. (2012). The Making of the Principal: Five Lessons in Leadership Training. Perspective. Wallace Foundation

Connell, R. W. (2014). Gender and power: Society, the person and sexual politics. John Wiley & Sons.