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Sexism is gender-based discrimination, that mostly affects women and girls. In the countries where sexism is promoted most women lack the chance to express themselves in the community.  In most cases, men are considered to have more power than women do and that makes them way superior. For instance, a while I applied for a job vacancy in the construction industry, and my application was successful. Upon reaching the interview room the board of interviewers got a bit discriminative and I was told that the particular role can only be filled by a male figure.


My reading on Oresteia is based on the statement that “Oresteia is both pro and anti-sexism. Oresteia shows some implications of gender bias in the community, for instance, in the case of Orestes who was released after committing a crime, whether released in a legal way or not it remains a big question (MacLeod, 130). This is an implication there is a need for change injustice. Apollo’s argument that mothers are connected to their child genetically narrows down to a view of gender bias. This clearly indicates that women are less considered in the family upbringing and the question remains is it really necessary to have such comparisons between men and women.

Also, another argument arises where Agamemnon and the Choephori define masculinity which touches on the main task of a father as to ensure excluding the mother. It tries to support the statement of the mothers genetically connecting with their children. Why on earth would the community discriminate against the existence of women. In the community today similar situations are witnessed where children are called with the father’s name and the mother is considered non-existing. Also, for single parents, it has been ascertained that some men demand to have the babies from their mother and deny them the opportunity to even meet their children.


On the contrary, as Agamemnon tries to support masculine power, Clytemnestra and Helen critically discriminate against masculinity and threaten it. They focus on the relationship of the father mother and children. Here there is no element of superiority complex. This indicates that there is an element of pro sexism (Goldhill).  Where some of the cultural beliefs and individuals believe in gender equality and give women the chance to be part of the family without being sidelined. Some cultures have tried to express the sole purpose of women in the family is to provide infant care and give birth which is not supposed to be the case. In most discussions the family is about is involving the children and their father.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gender bias has its own advantages and shortcomings, for instance, the discrimination of women in different places prevents them from showing and demonstrating their abilities which makes the female talent dormant. Women are considered to be very aggressive and ambitious giving them equal opportunities as men in society. can enhance the performance of tasks and jobs. Gender equality leads to the growth of a composed and commendable community.

Also, in a situation where women are isolated in the community, it causes them both psychological and emotional torture, because of feeling less of a person. However, when anti-sexism is promoted women seem to have a more workload than men and there comes a more contradicting situation. Women tend to force men to get involved in house chores. Some people are very conservative and with certain beliefs that a man should be the provider of the family and the woman should get involved in the house chores. However, when women are treated equally as men, there comes a challenge where women want to share duties with their husbands at the home of which some men can’t lower their ego.


Sexism is a virtue that should not be promoted in society, all individuals are supposed to be equal and treated well without discrimination. As long respect is demonstrated especially in a family setting. Women should not be side-lined in a family setting all children are a product of the mother and the father. Society should adapt in treating women as men to avoid discrimination and promote the well-being of the community. Female talent should be dormant they need 

Work cited

MacLeod, Colin W. “Politics and the Oresteia.” The Journal of Hellenic Studies 102 (1982): 124-144.

Goldhill, Simon. Aeschylus: The Oresteia. Cambridge University Press, 2004. to be given the opportunity to show their capabilities.