OMED 1425/6 - Formative Assessment

The impact of COVID-19 has given rise to an entirely different mode of teaching and learning. This may last at least for another year or even more. With this uncertainty, it is highly recommended to learn the art of teaching online with complete connection with the students. The earlier scenario was entirely different, there was the physical presence of the lecturers and the professors who are completely in control of the class. The students’ presence and their behavior can be monitored. But the case is entirely different now. Everyone is remote, the teachers have to connect with the students. Most importantly, the methodologies used during the classroom sessions seldom work online.

How can Online Classes Establish Human Connect?

Teaching students online is not only concerning the content part of it but also the context. The students have still not realized the context, leave alone the content. The relationship between the lecturers and the students must improve now. With less communicating aspects like emailing, WhatsApp messaging in the class group and a few telephonic calls, don’t work. 

So, how can the relationship be developed? 

First of all, if there is no connect, there is no learning. 

How are the lecturers going to develop a connection with the students to ensure learning is happening? After all, education is not only about learning the syllabus but more than that.

Let us take a look at this as an opportunity. The online teaching method is a boon. You are getting closer to the students. Every Student is privately connected with you too. Online classes can bring the home atmosphere closer. You can easily establish a connection with the students with wonderful measures. 

Step By Step Process to Reach the Ultimatum

First up, talk to the students on a personal basis. That does not mean to say that you must connect with them individually every time. Hold a session for all the students and motivate them to understand that you are there to help them in getting through the lessons comfortably. Give them the confidence that you will help them learn the subject without any fear. This must happen at regular intervals and whenever you find a slackness in students’ performances.

While holding this session, take suggestions from students also to incorporate in the forthcoming online classes. Keep your expert suggestions also in place and establish the importance behind that. Give them the courage to reach up to you whenever they find difficulty in learning the lessons. The art of connecting with the students begin here. Emotional attachment is what is required at the moment. Setting up this tone shall make your students feel approachable.

Secondly, create an environment of discussion-based learning online. This has happened in the classroom sessions too. You might have to improvise it and execute the same online. Create a schedule for the weekly classes and advice the students to come up with their ideas on the syllabus you will be teaching them. Appreciate the students’ participation in that. Follow-up with the students through frequent emails and group messages. Have a sort of winning points to be allotted for best performers. Announcing the best performers shall yield maximum participation from the students.

Lastly, connect with the parents. This is crucial. Connect with the parents of your students and communicate with them about the students’ progress. You also listen to them about what they have got to say. Understand, the situation is precarious, connecting with humans over a call can make a huge difference in their lives. As and when you announce the star performers, make sure you call the students’ parents to inform the same. The privilege goes to them as well. By doing this, the connect establishes in all corners of student life with the teachers. The emotional barricade is broken. 

In this terrible situation, it is highly suggested to stay connected with the students. The state of being alone or locked in a place can trigger many negative thoughts. Moreover, establish the need for correct behavior as and when you handle a session. Have a weekly review with all the students and make it fun-filled. This can not only offer feedback to you but also the students to get glued to your classes. Though machines are at work, it is the humans who activate it. Even if the classes are online, you can make it more lively and connected. All the Best!!!