Investment and Portfolio Management


It can be identified that several workers are faced with violence-related activities in their working sectors. It is essential to have proper rules and norms in the workplace in order to avoid violence. It will be helpful to increase employees’ perception and engagement in a company on a long-term basis. In this study, a brief description of violence against the nurses of “The Ontario Council of Hospital” is provided. Additionally, accurate descriptions and overviews are mentioned. The overview includes place of employment, the position of employees that are affected by it, a detailed description of the incident, and method of addressing the incident along with the result of the process. Next, there is an analysis part that includes safety protocols related to the employees of hospitals. Moreover, there is a qualifying violence factor along with protective inventions that will be more effective for this issue. Necessary recommendations are also conducted here that will be beneficial for the management department to take such action steps along with a conclusion part.

Overview of incident

Place of employment

The place of this incident is the “Ontario Council of Hospital” in which violence against nurses is identified. As stated by Campbell et al. (2019), nursing is a type of profession in which 90% of staff are female, and in times of violence, they face several harassment from patient parties. It is necessary to develop the workplace agency of this hospital in order to improve safety measurements along with development in the quality of care. 

Position of employees affected and the risk factor inherent with the work (SAVT)

In general, female nurses faced the violence issue in their workplace that was constructed within an in-patient psychiatric setting. Focusing on health care professionals, it has been identified that registered nurses met more risks related to violence rather than trainees (Campbell et al. 2019). Physical, as well as verbal violence, had been faced by them. From the “Ontario Council of Hospital”, 44% of nurses reported that they face physical abuse and 70% of them stated that they face emotional abuse at once in their working life. Violence-related factors affect the operational experience of nurses, and as a result, they will decide to leave their jobs. Violence is a serious matter that remains for the long term, and to avoid this, proper vocational training is needed.

Detail of incident 

An incident related to violence took place in  “The Ontario Council of Hospital” that was the most shameful aspect for an organization. Two nurses of this hospital were harassed by the psychiatric in-patient. Nurses who work in the “field of mental health” face this type of violence too often. In psychiatric treatment care, this type of incident happens always. This incident was considered a silent issue in the healthcare sector that needed to be resolved as early as possible. 

Method of addressing the incident 

The above incident was reported, and such action steps were taken against the patient parties. It was essential to increase public awareness about this matter and provide a suitable working environment for all workers. A useful framework was created through which affected nurses were able to reduce their experience about violence along with trauma. Also, it can be identified that “Verbal violence” is often considered as a common occurrence, and no action steps will be taken for it. “Ontario Council of Hospital” created such steps in which all types of violence factors would be considered, and necessary actions would be taken. As a result, in 2014, this organization was fined $80,000 by the “Center for Addiction and Mental Health” (CAMH) of Canada. The reason behind this fine was that they failed to maintain the “Health and Safety Act” in the workplace. 

Result of process   

  By implementing strict rules and norms, “The Ontario Council of Hospital” is able to make adequate progress on violence-related issues. After one incident, till now, no such complaints about violence are figured out. Nurses’ perceptions are increasing rapidly and all over working environments are relatively comfortable for them (Campbell et al. 2019). More than 93.6% of women are related to the nursing profession in Canada. Women are connected with this profession rapidly as it is the safest and most secure workplace for them. Such incidents of violence will decrease their interest level along with an engagement perspective. Thus it is essential to focus on this matter properly.  


Safety protocols that increased employee’s perception 

Several safety protocols were implemented in “The Ontario Council of Hospital” after the violence-related issue. They implemented target hardening strategies such as the “Health and Safety Act” in their organization that conducts effective rules and norms (Campbell et al. 2019). This act includes the general rights of workers, along with an organization’s responsibility towards their employees.  Moreover, “Occupational Health and Safety (OH & S) legislation” was also implemented in this hospital to protect nurses from all types of hazards in jobs. This act is essential as it makes employers as well as employees responsible for the workplace. 

Apart from that, a significant communication aspect was created through which nurses would be able to state their complaints. Such a strict “Anti-violence policy” was adopted by “The Ontario Council of Hospital” to secure employees’ safety. Moreover, proper vocational training would be provided to each staff. It will be beneficial for them as it helps to develop job performance along with useful learning outcomes. If staff are experienced enough, they will be able to handle every hazard in the workplace. In order to avoid environmental hazards, exposure was planned out. It is not possible to prevent exposure completely.

In contrast, better prevention along with minimizing the emission will be sufficient for a better outcome. Administrative strategies such as several acts and laws were also adopted to avoid violence-related issues (Campbell et al. 2019). Increasing incentives on a rise in regular aspect employee turnover rate and harm the performance level. For this reason, “The Ontario Council of Hospital” established a similar pay grade structure for all employees.

Qualify the Violence 

 In type, I, violence related to “Criminal intent” is identified, and in type II, violence realted to “Customer or client” is found out. In type III, violence realted to “Worker on Worker” is identified, and in type IV, the violence of “Personal relationship” is focused. By focusing on the violence factor of “Ontario Council of Hospital”, it can be stated that this incident is considered under type II. As a reason, it can be found out that in healthcare industry, victims are the nurses and patient parties are engaged to do the crime.  

Inventions that would be better protection for employees 

Initially, effective rules and regulations are necessary that will be connected through policies. It will be capable of providing a better safety-related perspective to all staff. Secondly, quick actions steps against harassment-related cases along with violence issues are helpful enough to establish a better protective environment for all employees. Thirdly, effective training, as well as essential awareness, are beneficial to make better prevention levels against violence. According to Campbell et al. (2019), proper security monitoring, along with a significant managing perspective, must be implemented by the management board. It is vital to establish a better observation level to avoid such crimes. Then, a risk factor related to the organization will be adequately identified in order to make a suitable working environment.


Hence, it is recommended that such violence factors related to violence issues in hospitals must be appropriately identified. Then it is essential to provide suggestive ways through which it will be possible to manage all problems effectively. This study focuses on a particular industry, although it is necessary to focus on all organizations. Moreover, a better framework must be conducted to increase employees’ perception and interest level properly in their jobs.


Hence, it is concluded that this study is essential to make a clear focus on violence-related issues in hospitals of Canada. Also, it has provided several suggestive ways to deal with those issues. However, there are some lacks, whereas this study has an essential role in identifying all organizational barriers correctly along with a suitable solving method.

Reference list 

Campbell, V. L. S., Foley, H. L., Vianna, K. W., & Brunger, F. (2019). Folie du système? Preventing violence against nurses in in-patient psychiatry. Psychiatric Quarterly, 90(2), 413-420. doi: