Business Research Methods

Nation-state: A nation-state can be a community of citizens with territorial identity bounded by solving polity who see themselves as belonging to a given locality in their homeland.

Cultural nationalism: In simple layman’s definition, this can be described as a tendency in people to turn on the belief of heritage shared in terms of history, language, ideology, or even monuments.  It is geared towards culture andBUSS 1055: Discovering Opportunities in Property heritage and not towards race or ethnicity.

Civic nationalism: In other words, it is also known as liberal nationalism; it is an identity mostly emphasized by political philosophers and believes in their adherence to traditional values such as tolerance, equality, and multiculturalism.

Xenophobia: This is a potent form of dislike of people who come from different localities or things to do with strangers.

Genocide: This is a terrorist act that involves mass destruction of people on international grounds perpetrated by either ethnic or religious groups or individuals

Ethnic Cleansing: This is known as they attempt to create homogeneity in specific areas through forcible deportation and even displacements of individuals who belong to groups that are unwanted and deemed dangerous.

Self-determination: This is a psychological term that refers to the concept of individuality where a person’s ability is seen in making life-changing choices and general management of their life journey as a whole.

Civil war: This is generally a violent conflict, feud, or unrest within members of the same country or state

Aliens/Citizens: In the concept of law, this term is used to refer to individuals inclusive of organizations who are not sovereign members of a given country

Social Darwinism: This is a theory in evolution used in reference to humans. It explicitly says that all human beings are all factored in, in the laws of natural selection, just the way Charles Darwin made his assumptions on the fauna and Flora in the universe.