N1602– Enterprise in the Circular Economy

Essay Questions – Choose one from the following
1. What is the role of design in the circular economy? How can human beings learn from nature when designing more sustainable products?
2. Explore one major environmental issue (plastics in the ocean, melting ice caps etc.) and critically discuss in what ways the circular economy can provide a solution to it.
3. Critically discuss the role of technology (and its unintended consequences) in enabling a shift towards the circular economy.
4. In what ways do traditional supply chains need to be redesigned to meet the requirements of a circular economy.
5. Critically analyse whether a circular economy has the potential to decouple economic activity from an increase in natural resource consumption?
Essay guidelines:
– Critically analyse one of the above statements or questions using relevant theories and, where appropriate, examples to provide evidence for your discussion.
– Word count: 2500 words (+/- 10%, excluding references)
– Essay format: In general terms, your essay will have an introduction, a main body and a conclusion. Use of sub-titles is optional.
– References: Follow the Harvard style for referencing.
– Please ensure to follow the University procedure for submission and guidelines on academic misconduct. Plagiarism, collusion, and cheating are all forms of academic misconduct which the University takes very seriously. The consequences of committing academic misconduct can be severe, so it is important that you familiarise yourself with what it is and how to avoid it.
– The assessment will take into account:
1. Knowledge and Understanding (40%)
2. Building your Argument (40%)
3. Presentation (20%)

Assessments 1 – Problem Set
Link to Module Learning Outcomes
This assessment is linked to the following module learning outcomes:
1. Critically analyse the limitations of the current economic models
2. Assess the opportunities associated with the transition of businesses to the circular economy and the factors enabling/constraining this transition
● Explore the value chain of a product and a company of your choice write a report focusing on the three topics:
○ Discuss the sustainability problem associated with the wider sector, company and a product.
○ Explain the product value chain identifying materials and waste flows.
○ Propose which circular economy (CE) approaches the company could adopt to reduce waste and generate more value.
● Structure
○ The chosen company and the product and sustainability problem associated with the wider sector (1.1 above)
○ Product value chain identifying materials and waste flows (1.2 above)
○ Circular solutions– Proposing circular approaches (1.3 above).
○ Conclusions – Summary identifying challenges to the implementation of the proposed ideas.
● Word count: 1500 words (+/- 10%, excluding reference tables, and figures)
● References: Follow the Harvard style for referencing
● Formatting
○ Calibri Font 12 (main body), 1.5 space and 2.5 page margin
○ If using a table, please do NOT make it longer than a page
○ For a diagram, please make sure that it fits in a page (portrait/landscape)

Assessment 2 – Essay

Link to Module Learning Outcomes
1. Develop an understanding of the circular economy and the role of business in sustainable development
2. Critically analyse the limitations of the current economic models
3. Evaluate circular business models using examples from businesses of various sizes, sectors and countries
 Students are provided with guidelines on the essay topic and the requirements of the essay.
 Five topics covering different aspects of the module content are provided. Among them, students have to choose one topic.
 Word count: 2500 words (+/- 10%)
 References: Follow the Harvard style for referencing.
 Formatting: Calibri Font 12 (main body), 1.5 space and 2.5 page margin Submission
 E-submission
Marking Criteria
The assessment will take into account:
 Knowledge and Understanding (40%)
 Argument (40%)
 Presentation (20%)