Cross-Cultural Management Sample Question

My Reflection On Elearning Homework
I read a comprehensive online question on the ELearning portal while surfing through the school portal website. At first sight of the question, I thought of skimming the document right from the headlines going down through each paragraph’s first sentences and later on to the conclusion. After finishing reading through the material, I thought it wise to check for some new vocabulary in the documents and how the grammar had been presented in the text. Therefore, I had to imply scanning skills for the first time since it was the best way to check the whole material without employing much time and focus on the document. I specifically focused on finding new words, synonyms used in the document.
Concerning the eLearning homework, I found it strange for the first time since I was not accustomed to technology and various online platforms. I was more nervous and afraid since I thought I could mess up at any time, and undoing the mess up could be difficult. Or even impossible to correct and make the changes. Furthermore, I was more used to seeing my class working together or even reading articles together in groups. Or discussions that involved five to ten of us. But with the online homework type of it was different since it was a matter of individual decision.

Later on, I discovered that it was the best since the errors could be corrected more quickly. Accessing reading materials was easier and were available in surplus. Furthermore, it was the fastest since it involved the fastest means of conveying email and zoom. Moreover, the homework submission was made online as one could know the appropriate moment to submit his/her workings. One of the essential aspects of the education sector is the online learning type. It updates learners with technology trends and interacts with different online platforms to increase their skills and experience. Furthermore, I realized that learners don’t necessarily be around the school and its premises to access the learning materials or even access the online homework exercise.

The online type of homework promotes diversity as individuals could read and work at the same time. It best suits the big students who consider themselves big enough to go into the classroom environment. Even on the other hand, it’s best for the learners with special needs as they get disturbed with moving from one room to another and even changing activities in the school environment. Besides, it ensures time management. In my case, I was able to plan my daily routine and fix the time according to fit my day-to-day activities without interrupting the lesson.