Law Assignment Sample - Caltex oil v Dredge

 Joseph Smith was obviously not happy about this and made it known. Even if he had little faith in other religions, his belief in the Bible remained firm. Joseph Smith’s attitude on religion changed after reading James 1:5, which states, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him seek of God, who gives generously to all men, and upbraideth not,” and he read it. By the words of James 1:5, Joseph Smith was urged to pray for answers. Joseph knelt and prayed to God outside of his father’s property. God’s face was revealed to Joseph Smith for the first time in this instant (Givens).

On September 21, 1823, Moroni came to Joseph Smith as a resurrected Mormon’s son. Before the message could be deciphered, Joseph Smith had to translate it. In 1827, Joseph Smith received the gold plates, which held ancient prophets’ revelations. He was the one responsible for the first edition of the Book of Mormon, which was derived from gold plates (The Book of Mormon). There are many similarities between Mormonism and Christianity when it comes to their interpretation of scripture, and this includes the Book of Mormon. In Mormonism, the Book of Mormon and Bible were held in high esteem (Givens)

That God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit all exist as distinct individuals is a belief held by Mormons (Millet 15,16). To put it another way, “Mormonism” is nothing more than the power of God to save anybody who believes and obeys it honestly. Redeeming people from their mistakes, motivating them to turn away from wickedness, and instructing others in good deeds have been some of our goals, he explained (Givens)

The Latter-day Saints’ Church places a high significance on strong family ties. Marriage, according to Joseph Smith’s Gospel Doctrine, is a sacred institution. Marrying is the right thing to do for the human race (Corduan ). His idea that women and children should be treated equally was reiterated by Joseph Smith. Every time a man and woman interact, we ought to treat them with respect (Gospel Doctrine, 283,284). O’Dea places a high priority on the contributions of his students’ families, both academically and spiritually. Marriage and family ties are highly valued in Mormonism because they help to cultivate a spirit of selfless love and compassion. Because they’re all children of God, Mormons think they’re all part of a wider community. This family is open for both intellectual and spiritual education. In Mormonism, it’s not about money or power; it’s about family ( “Pray for your wives and children to be blessed in my name,” 3 Nephi 18:21-22 says. You must also allow people to join you when you convene, rather than preventing them from doing so (The Book of Mormon).

Church-sponsored programs are encouraged for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to grow in their faith and education. God’s creation is understood by Latter-day Saints through arithmetic and science. With this insight, people can overcome barriers and make the most of their life. Being well-versed in religious topics helps Mormons grow in their faith. Both observation and practice can help members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints learn more about God’s true nature ( Ignorance is harmful, according to the Gospel Doctrine of the Prophet Joseph Smith. It’s his contention that men and women are in need of help.”

Females often miss out on opportunities because they don’t see them. A person’s morals are said to be bolstered by their education (Book of Mormon). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints offers three distinct pathways for its members to pursue higher education after high school. Students at BYU and the CJSIR can expect to receive a high-quality academic and spiritual education through their respective programs ( There are roughly 350 thousand students registered in these institutions, according to “Facts & Statistics.”

As part of Joseph Smith’s teachings, Latter-day Saints place a great value on giving back to the community and assisting those in need. They were tasked by Joseph Smith with rectifying the societal gaps and inequities he envisaged for them in his teachings (Corduan). Community service, humanitarian efforts, and neighborly kindness are just a few examples of how Latter-day Saints might help the community. An enormous difference can be made by even the smallest of actions. Latter-day Saints believe everything we have is a gift that we must use to help others. One of life’s greatest gifts is the chance to spend time with those we care about. Help others find a closer relationship with God, as Mormons believe ( Church Facts and Statistics shows that the First Presidency has aided the lives of 179 countries. More than 10,000 Mormon charity missions have been established, according to Facts & Stats. If you want eternal life, you must be saved by God and be part of the first resurrection.

According to the Latter-day Saints, every aspect of our lives is impacted by our level of faith. Is it enough to just believe that Jesus is real to put his message into practice? ( There is a strong emphasis in Mormonism on the significance of family, education, and charitable giving. We learn how to be happy and secure in our families. In order to have a true understanding of God, one must first acquire knowledge. To serve others, we connect with God and ourselves ( See if they are true by praying to God in the name of Jesus Christ. If you ask for the truth in faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will disclose it to you (The Book of Mormon). These are the divine truth, the ultimate road to pleasure. As a result, Mormonism is a lovely faith that educates its members to be content in their daily lives.

A group of Mormon apostolic leaders, including Young and his fellow apostles, were forced to depart the United States following the death of Joseph Smith. Because of its low population, even though Salt Lake Valley was thought to be unfit for farming and hostile Native Americans were found near freshwater Utah Lake, Mormons were drawn there. Freshwater streams and torrents surrounded the valley despite the saltiness of the Great Salt Lake, which may provide water for cultivation. In Bowman’s opinion, there were no other white people interested in the location that Young had selected. Agricultural and population support were nevertheless possible despite the absence of a significant Native American presence.

“He saw the future grandeur of Zion and of Israel as they would be, established in the valleys of these mountains,” Wilford Woodruff, a future Latter-day Saint leader, wrote in a biography of Young.

Several chapels were built by Mormons in Utah, including the Roman Catholic Church. The LDS Church has a large number of chapels due to the large number of small and large congregations. Pastors and wards in certain geographic areas are served by part-time lay leaders. To accommodate large numbers of people, other religions often build gigantic cathedrals or other large gathering sites.

Despite the fact that Christianity and Mormonism share many doctrines, not everyone in the latter faith follows its tenets. The Christian doctrine of the trinity holds that there is only one God, but that God is shown in three distinct persons. The Mormons, on the other hand, believe that there are many gods, and that the trinity consists of three different Gods, each with a human nature distinct from the others. Unlike Christians, Mormons do not hold to the Christian doctrine that God is an immaterial spirit. Also, they believe that God is a real person. Some people also believe that Jesus was not born of the Virgin Mary. Mormons hold to the doctrine of the universal resurrection as a means of redemption. Christians, on the other hand, believe that salvation is a gift from God, given to us via faith in Jesus. Mormons, on the other hand, believe that the Bible is only God’s word if it is translated accurately. This can only happen if the sole translator of the Bible is a Mormon. God’s word holds ultimate authority in all matters for Christians.

Mormonism did not develop out of Christianity, as this evidence suggests. That being said, I believe Mormons use Christian values to spread their message. A fascinating read, in general, I found the book to be.