MNG00724  Human Resource  Management

Guidance for ASSESSMENT 3

The video, ‘Recruiting top talent,and how to recruit women, found at, provides background information for this


Based on the information in the video, prepare a report for your HR manager on optimum methods for recruiting top talent in Australia, including high potential women. Provide recommendations for the major steps in the recruitment process (e.g. advertising, short listing, interviewing/testing and selection).

In your discussion you need to:
• outline the recruitment process
• discuss the common mistakes made in recruiting top talent (e.g. recruiting biases, organisational cultural assumptions and selection methods)
• provide recommendations

The main theoretical basis for this assignment is the recruiting process. Your recommended recruiting/selection process should be simple and adaptable for any organisation seeking to recruit/ select externally, especially for top talent women. Follow the ideas suggested in the video.
Some examples of recruitment biases and cultural assumptions:
“This is a man’s job” (boys club);
“This is a 24-hour a day job”;
“Women are too emotional for this top job”
Common mistake in the recruitment process, especially when recruiting women:
• Failure to use gender neutral language in job adds
Common problems in the selection process:
• Single person interview
• Failure to seek reports
• Failure to check references

The content of Topic 5 and Chapter 6 (textbook) provides support for this assignment. Readings 5.2 and 5.3 can also be useful for this assignment.
Additional information:
-The Australian Human Rights Commission provides guidelines on how to prevent discrimination in recruitment.
This site provides the step-by-step process on how to prevent discrimination in the recruitment/selection process. Read the key parts that may be useful for this assignment.

1. Introduction
2. Overview of external recruitment/selection process, especially for top women
3. Discuss the common mistakes made in recruiting top talent (e.g. recruiting biases,
organisational cultural assumptions and selection methods)
4. Critical analysis of the roles of senior leadership, line managers and HRM in the
recruitment and selection process, especially for women
5. Recommendations, especially recruiting/selecting top women
6. Brief conclusion

References (next page after ‘Conclusion’)