BX2051 Managing People

Coursework Overview
Imagine you are a business ethics consultant, working for the company implicated in/ affected by the case study you have chosen. You have been hired to write a report of 700 words explaining why the issue is ethically problematic, and suggesting ways in which the company could respond to remedy the issue.
You must outline the case study and the ethical problem the company faces, and make three recommendations to the company for how they can overcome the problem. The recommendations must be justified with reference to one theory taught in class. You must introduce and use at least one ethical or CSR theory to explain why the issue is ethically problematic, and introduce and use at least one other ethical or CSR theory to justify your recommendations.
Coursework Instructions and Structure
In order to complete this coursework you must first choose a business ethics case study. This can be the same case-study you used in your first submission of Assignment A, it can be case study we covered in class, or it can be a case study you find through your own research. You MUST check with me once you’ve chosen your case study and BEFORE you start work on the report. If you write about a case study I have not approved you will automatically fail the re-sit.
The report should have the following structure:

1) Introduction (100-200 words)
 A brief outline of the content of the report and its purpose.
2) The Ethical Issue Facing the Company (around 300 words)
 Using company reports and credible news and online sources, explain the ethical issue facing the company (if the issue is in the past, write as if it were current).
3) Recommendations (around 300 words)
 Using the sources provided in the handbook and in-class, and any other relevant academic sources – as well as your own thoughts – identify, describe and apply at least one ethical or CSR theory to identify and justify three recommendations which the company could implement to address the ethical problem outlined in the preceding section.
5) List of References (not included in word count
 All sources cited our used MUST be included in your list of references. This will be checked.