MGT330 Quality Management & Customer Service

Assessment Title Assessment One
Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4 & 5
Assessment Type Individual Report
Weighting 25%
Word Count 2,000
Due date Week 5

Assessment Instructions


The purpose of this Assessment is for the student to be able to individually explore a topic relating to Quality
Management and Customer Service from within the course by conducting in-depth research of the selected
topic. The Report to be no more than 2,000 words in length.


Individual students are to submit their written Report of no more than 2,000 words in the Tutorial class of
Week 5.

Important Instructions

This Assessment is individual and contributes 25% to the final mark for the course.
The word count limit is 2,000 words (plus or minus 5%), excluding Appendices and References but inclusive of quotations.

Times New Roman 12 point font and 1.5 line spacing.

APA referencing.
Header to contain student names and identifier numbers only.
Footer to contain page number only.
Plagiarism Declaration attached as first page inside the cover page.
Last page of the Originality Report displaying the Similarity Index percentage attached as second page inside the cover page.
Refer to and comply with, all the relevant requirements for a Business Report as listed in the ICMS Style Guide and note particularly the penalties that apply to non-compliance with the word count limit and late submission.

Readings for The Assessment

Recommended Readings and Case Studies as posted on Moodle.

Grading Criteria / Marking Guide

Please refer to the Marking Guide posted in the

Assessment Block on Moodle.
There are four main criteria for success in this

Assessment –
1. Understanding: the report should demonstrate an understanding of the chosen topic.
2. Substantiation: the report should be underpinned by an in-depth research.
3. Insight: the work must demonstrate critical evaluation and insight into the chosen topic.
4. Presentation: the report should be well structured and clearly presented.