Information, Communication and Technology

Assessment Item 1 –  Annotated Bibliography .This individual written assessment is designed to:  Assist you to develop your knowledge of management and business contexts  Give you the opportunity to enhance skills in research, professional responsibility, and written communication. Choosing Journal Articles  Your task is to compile an annotated bibliography of five recent (2014-2018) peer reviewed journal articles from the list of journals provided.  You cannot use articles from any other journals and you cannot use the journal articles that are on the unit Moodle site.  You must include the doi for each journal article in the reference list. For example: Derouiche, I., Hassan, M., & Amdouni, S. (2018). Ownership structure and investment-cash flow sensitivity. Journal of Management & Governance, 22(1), 31-54. DOI: 10.1007/s10997-017-9380-x Journals to use for this task 4  Academy of Management Annals  Academy of Management Review  Human Resource Management Review  International Business Review  International Journal of Human
Resource Management  International Studies of Management and Organization  Journal of Business Strategy  Journal of Management and Organization  Journal of Management Inquiry  Journal of Management Studies  Journal of Operations Management  Journal of Service Management  Journal of World Business  Management International Review  Manufacturing and Service Operations Management  Organizational Dynamics  Personnel Review  Research in Organizational Behavior
 Strategic Organization  Work, Employment and Society Step 1 5 1. Identify five (5) journal articles that match the first five
topics of this unit.  That is, you must find one journal article per topic: a) Organisational structures or governance, b) Environmental forces, c) Risks confronting the firm, d) Organisation and business practices, and e) The functions of diverse firms.  You should search the library databases via the online ‘advanced search’ function of the CQUniversity library. By choosing the ‘advanced search’ function you can select the actual journal you wish to search Steps 2 and 3 2. Write a short introduction discussing why the contextual factors are important to organisational decision making. 3. Write 1-2 paragraphs for each of the identified journal articles that: a) Defines the main contextual factor being discussed in the journal article, b) Discusses the new findings in relation to the contextual factor, and
c) Highlights what these findings mean for managers in organisations. Steps 4 and 5 4. Write a short conclusion recommending one specific contextual factor as most important to CQUniversity’s organisational performance. Explain your reasoning. 5. Write a reference list correctly:  It must use the APA referencing style  Each reference appears before each annotated bibliography  It has a hanging indentation  There are specific fonts and formatting that must be used: Derouiche, I., Hassan, M., & Amdouni, S. (2018). Ownership
structure and investment-cash flow sensitivity. Journal of Management & Governance, 22(1), 31-54. DOI: 10.1007/s10997-017-9380-x Contextual factors: are characteristics of the internal and external environment; such as structure, functions, environmental forces, risks, etc. Key terms: words that are being used in this unit such as sole trader, structure, SWOT analysis, benchmarking etc.  Concept: this is an abstract idea that someone has named and defined. For example, the concept of employee engagement is defined as the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organisation, and put discretionary effort into their work. It has a cognitive, affective, and behavioural component.  Theory: is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something. For example, increasing employee engagement will increase performance, customer satisfaction, profitability and productivity, and reduce employee turnover. Critical evaluation of managerial actions: give your verdict as to what extent a statement or findings within a piece of
research are true, or to what extent you agree with them. Provide evidence taken from a wide range of sources which both agree with and contradict an argument.  Impact: what is the effect or influence of the contextual factor on the organisation?  APA referencing system: you must only use this referencing system in the body of the essay and in the reference list at the end. Ensure you familiarise yourself with it!  Appropriate conventions of academic writing: this is quite a formal style of writing, which is discussed in the following slides.