Young Children's Development Sample

Your task
You are required to explore the Super Retail Group (ASX: SUL) and develop a stakeholder engagement
plan. You must identify the business level strategy adopted by one of the business units/ products in the
context of Porter’s Five Generic Strategy framework.

Assessment Description.
This assessment focuses on stakeholder engagement (workshop 05), business-level strategies (workshop 07) and corporate-level strategies (workshop 08). After identifying key stakeholders of Super Retail Group, you need to develop a stakeholder engagement plan covering three stakeholders by incorporating the template discussed in workshop 05. Based on Porter’s five generic strategy framework, you need to identify the business level strategy adopted by one business unit/ product group of Super Retail Group. You must provide an analysis of the suitability of this strategy. After that, you need to identify at least 2-3 corporate-level strategic initiatives undertaken by Super Retail Group over the last decade. You must analyse the purpose of these corporate-level strategic initiatives in the context of the template discussed in workshop 08.

Assessment Instructions
A. Introduction to Super Retail Group

Provided a concise introduction to Super Retail Group. This introduction should include a brief history, scale of the operation (revenue, staff strength, etc.), products/ services, and industry
dynamics. This section should not exceed 400 words.
B. Stakeholder engagement plan

Need to identify 7-9 stakeholders of Super Retail Group and select three stakeholders for engagement planning. Provide a brief introduction to the stakeholders. You must utilise the stakeholder engagement planning template discussed in workshop 05: include the completed templates in the appendix. The report should contain a summary of the engagement plan for each stakeholder. This section should not exceed 600 words.

C. Strategy adopted by Super Retail Group
Based on Porter’s Five Generic Strategy framework discussed in workshop 05, identify the strategy adopted by one business unit/ product group of Super Retail Group. Need to indicate the rationale for identifying the chosen strategy and provide a critique of the suitability. This section should not exceed 500 words. Please note: you are only expected to explore one business unit/ product group when analysing the business-level strategies.
D. Corporate level strategic initiatives Super Retail Group
Analyse the corporate-level strategic initiatives of Super Retail Group by exploring past activities – greenfield expansions, joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers & acquisitions, etc., over the last ten years. You must identify at least three such initiatives discussed in workshop 08. You must incorporate the template used in workshop 08 to review the purpose of these initiatives: the completed template should be included in the appendix. This section
should not exceed 700 words.
E. Recommendations
Based on your analysis, provide recommendations to Super Retail Group management on stakeholder engagement, strategic initiatives that can defend the competitive position and stimulate growth. This section should not exceed 300 words. There is no need for a conclusion. In preparing for this assessment, please note the following points:

o The report should contain an executive summary; not included in the word count.
o You need to include stakeholder engagement template discussed in workshop 05. You
also need to include the goals and approach template discussed in workshop 08 to
complete part C.
o Need to refer to academically oriented articles and books when developing the report.
▪ Minimum of ten academically oriented articles and books apart from industry reports, credible online news sources, business magazines, websites, etc.
o Watch the assignment briefing webinar conducted by the Subject Coordinator – refer subject welcome message from the Coordinator for the date and time.

Assessment Submission
This file must be submitted as a ‘Word’ document to avoid any technical issues that may occur from incorrect file format upload. Uploaded files with a virus will not be considered as a legitimate submission. Turnitin will notify you if there is an issue with the submitted file. In this case, you must contact your workshop facilitator via email and provide a brief description of the problem and a screenshot of the Turnitin error message. You are also encouraged to submit your work well in advance of the deadline to avoid any possible delay with the Turnitin similarity report or any other
technical difficulties.
Late assignment submission penalties Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Kaplan Business School “late assignment submission penalties” Policy.