Hospitality and Tourism Management

Task Description

The second assessment task requires you to conduct marketing environment assessment of Melbourne Marriott Hotel in Australia. Prepare a report on the current marketing environment analysis. It is highly recommended to use data and information with relevant citations, where it is available. Ideally, this report should include the following points with your critical reflections for each.

  • a hypothetical Lifecycle Analysis,
  • a hypothetical BCG matrix analysis with at least one nearest competitor,
  • a hypothetical two-dimensional consumer perception map analysis with at least one nearest competitor,
  • a hypothetical PESTLE framework with the major macro-environmental forces, including political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors affecting the marketing practices of Melbourne Marriott Hotel in Australia,
  • a hypothetical framework on competitive forces’ analysis using Michael E. Porter’s five-force framework with at least one nearest competitor, and
  • a hypothetical SWOT analysis framework summarising the above.

Notes for the assessment task

  • Prepare this task in a report format with a title page, table of contents, executive summary, introduction, body (see in the above), and conclusion.
  • The report must be explained with theoretical justifications, critical reflections, and examples with appropriate citations.
  • The total word limit for the whole document must be 2600 words, excluding references.
  • You need to have citations/references of at least 8 recent and relevant journal articles, and 2 textbooks.
  • Authentic Web sources are accepted.
  • Please ensure that your task includes relevant concepts, theories, tools, and models etc. discussed in this unit.
  • Turnitin Matching rate must not exceed 20%.

Assessment Criteria

  • A cover page, a table of contents, an executive summary etc. – 3 marks
  • Marketing environment analysis (body of the report 6 aspects x 5 marks) – 30 marks
  • Critical reflection, conclusion, presentation style, formatting, sentence structure, grammar, and citation/references – 7 marks

Referencing Style – American Psychological Association 7th Edition (APA 7th edition)