Marketing and Management


Global teams have gained immense popularity in the modern days and various successful companies of different industries implement global teams to combat the challenges in global business environment. Global teams are also known as multinational work groups or teams and are different from the normal teams in organization as the members of the global team come from different cultural and national backgrounds (Christopher et al, 2011).  The global teams offer a wide range of benefits to the organizations in terms of accomplishment of goals and objectives of the company. it has also been researched that the management of  global teams is a complex and challenging job for the management of the organizations. This research proposal is based on the ways in which the global teams can be managed efficiently to help in growth and profitability of the global organizations.

Project objective

The main objective of this project is to determine the ways in which a global team comprising of culturally diverse workmen are controlled and managed to gain competitive advantage and achieve the objectives of the organization in the modern global economy (Christopher et al, 2011). It also depicts the benefits and advantages of global teams within an organization. The objective is extended with determining the strategies adopted by the managers of organizations across the globe to manage global teams efficiently. 

Project scope

It is quite evident from the studies on dynamic and changing environment that the human resources of the companies are required to be managed efficiently in order to meet the objectives of the companies. The business environment and the process of globalization where organizations have extended trading on an international scale have led to the development of virtual global teams. This in turn has made the management of the companies to focus on managing the challenges which are faced in development of global teams. The scope of this research proposal is to determine the efficient ways which are adopted by the management towards engagement and connecting the workers who are culturally and nationally diverse, lowering cost of the company, enabling adaptability towards the changing dynamic environment and offering services and products at a greater speed (Cramton and Hinds, 2014). 

Literature review

According to Crampton  and Hinds (2014) global teams are defined as a team which comprises of people coming from diversified cultural backgrounds. It is evident from the past researches that people coming from different cultures have different perceptions and ways of working. This forces evolution of conflicts and quarrels among the team members. According to Huijser (2013) the global teams have the potential and capability to offer new ideas and solutions to the existing problems within an organization. It allowsthe organizations to access a pool of different idea and concepts originating from different individuals coming from different cultural backgrounds. The mix of such ideas helps in efficient growth and profitability of the organizations having global teams. Development of global teams is not a simple process but requires efficient management skills of the managers to ensure appropriate development of global teams(Christopher et. al, 2011).Global teams are a powerful vehicle which helps in integrating skills, potentials and capabilities of globally diversified individuals thereby helping the organization to choose the best option from a wide range of ideas. As opined by Mendnhall (2012) the managers adopt transformational leadership skills to manage the global teams. These managers or leaders do not direct the teams to accomplish the tasks given to them but helps them to accomplish the goals by working with them. The most negative challenge faced within global teams is the problem of communication. As the members belong to different cultures and are used to the languages that they have been speaking since birth it becomes difficult for them to understand the messages conveyed to them in different languages. Hence, the managers look forward towards adopting various communication techniques to ensure that the information is well understood by the members of a global team. The organization have now emphasized on hiring translators who can translate one language into another thereby mitigating the challenge of communication among the team members.The managers take the help of verbal, non-verbal and digital communication techniques to ensure effective communication among the members of the global teams (Zander et. al, 2012).Boutellieret. al (2013) stated that the members of the global teams often end up in conflicts and develop a bad relationship with each other. They do not tend to mix well with other members and also show disrespect towards opinions of other members. The managers look forward towards mitigating such challenges immediately and at times they take up autocratic leadership style to define the roles and responsibilities of each members to avoid conflict among them. In the modern days the human resource management of the companies indulge into various games, interactive sessions, entertainment programmes, etc. to develop good relationship among the team members of a global team. Development of good relationship among the team members is essentially important to ensure that the tasks allotted to the team are accomplished efficiently and the works are not delayed. 

Research questions

The research questions have been formulated in order to collect information that offers in-depth knowledge about managing global teams within organization by the managers. 

Primary question

  • How the global teams of the organizations are managed efficiently by the managers across the globe?

Secondary questions

  • What is actually meant by global teams? 
  • What are the benefits of global teams in the modern global economy?
  • What leadership qualities in managers help in managing global teams efficiently?
  • What are the ways in which the challenges faced in development of global teams are efficiently mitigated by the managers on an international scale using their skills and expertise?
  • How global teams help the organizations to ensure growth and profitability?

Research design and Methodology

Qualitative Research

Process of Qualitative research

The process of qualitative research is to identify and assess the text data first. After that there should be the developing of the ideas from the text to be taken into consideration. After that there should be the development of the hypothesis based on the qualitative idea on the particular subject area to be considered before the research is to be conducted. It is useful in uncovering the trends and deep theoretical insights of how the international managers have been managing the global teams and the projects they have been undertaken. So this has seen the process for the development of the qualitative research process. 

Data Collection method

It is said that for the data collection method there should be the two different types of methods to be involved. It includes the primary and the secondary data collection methods. For the conduction of the qualitative research there should be the development of the secondary research for the collection of the secondary data. In this particular research study there will be the collection of the management reports on the performance of the teams, there will be the collection of the annual reports where there will be the secondary information on the employee turnover from the different firms operating in this global market to be understood. There will be the collection of the statistical data on the sales and profitability of the different firms operating globally. 


Sampling is a technique in which there should be the reduction in the size of the population takes by selection of sample from an entire population. For this qualitative resae4rch to be conducted the researcher should be applying quota sampling where there should be the cases of specific groups or respondents targeted should be taken into consideration. 

Sample Size

There has been no fixed sampling size in the case for any qualitative research process to be conducted in the study. There should be basically larger sample size than the quantitative research process. So the sample size should not be determined as it depends on the factors like the time allotted, type of resources available and the aims and objectives of the study. 

Variables Specification

The variables specified in case for the qualitative research could be the development of the statistical reports on the basis of the management of global teams by the international managers. The statistical reports have been the dependent variable as it should be measured. 

Approaches to reliability and validity

The reliability and validity of the data should be that the secondary information should be received from the legal websites and proper secondary and internet sources. The data which will be taken should be valid in the context of the research study. 

Quantitative Research

Process of quantitative research

In the quantitative research process first of all there should be the collection of the text data. After that the text data will be converted into the numbers or statistics by quantification process. After that it has been quantified and then there should be the analysis and evaluation of the results of the data to be taken place. 

Data Collection method

The data collection method should be the primary method. In this method there should be the application of the interviews and questionnaire needs to be designed for the collection of the primary responses. 


In this quantitative research process or strategy there should be the application of the purposive sampling to be taken place where the respondents should be selected randomly from the different groups created. 

Sample Size

The sample size for this quantitative research study should be 50. 

Interviewing and Questionary Design

In this particular research study there should be the interviews to be conducted among the different team leaders of various departments working in different firms in the global market. The questionnaire is to be designed on the basis of the Likert scaling technique and it should be closed ended questions and the respondents should be the international managers managing the global teams and the employees working within the team 

Reliability and Validity of Data

The reliability and the validity of the data involve the quality of the questions to be set and presented in front of the respondents. The data to be collected should be from the proper respondents only so that validity could be measured as well. 

Research timeline

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
Topic selection
Literature review
Selection of research methodology
Data collection
Development of questionnaires, questionnaire designs and interviews 

Research limitations

The research must be conducted within a limited span of time which would offer limited scope of reading, collecting information and primary research. If the time span would be more then more managers of different organizations can be appealed to provide their opinions on managing global team (Huijser, 2013). With additional time further research can be conducted to collect more information about the ways in which the global teams are beneficial for the organization as well as the ways of managing the global teams. On the other hand funding is also a major limitation of the research proposal. Adequate funding is required to make the research work successful as conducting market research and analysing the information is quite expensive. 


The conduction of this research would provide a vivid idea regarding the popularity of global teams in the modern global economy. It would provide an in depth knowledge about the replacement of ordinary teams by global teams in order to grab the opportunities offered by the process of globalization (Boutellier et al, 2013). It would further provide or reveal the skills, potential and capabilities of the managers which are required to make the global teams accomplish the objectives of the companies efficiently. 



Mendenhall, M.E. ed., 2012. Global leadership: Research, practice, and development. Routledge.

Zander, L., Mockaitis, A.I. and Butler, C.L., 2012.Leading global teams. Journal of World Business47(4), pp.592-603.

Boutellier, R., Gassmann, O. and Von Zedtwitz, M., 2013. Managing global innovation: uncovering the secrets of future competitiveness. Springer Science & Business Media.

Christopher, M., Mena, C., Khan, O. and Yurt, O., 2011.Approaches to managing global sourcing risk. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal16(2), pp.67-81.

Huijser, M., 2013. The cultural advantage: A new model for succeeding with global teams. ViorWebmedia.

Cramton, C.D. and Hinds, P.J., 2014.An embedded model of cultural adaptation in global teams. Organization Science25(4), pp.1056-1081.