
The HRM and higher authorities of “Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL)” have faced problematic issues while recruiting the fresh graduates of Australia within their organisation. The management of the concerned company also had to deal with the poor management over the training process of the company regarding the training of the fresh applicants. The technical fault regarding the digital interview process comes as a challenging factor for the HRM of the company due to the lack of knowledge regarding the new age recruitment system. For dealing with the recruitment issues the management of CSL can implement advanced recruitment systems like upgraded virtual interviews for recruiting best graduates from Australia within their organisation. The solutions for resolving the issues of CSL will help in increasing the productivity of the organisation. The application of the unique recruitment strategy could be helpful for the concerned organisation while operating the recruitment process. 

Applying relevant theories of job opportunities and employment

In this study, a large number of employment issues have been covered in terms of the given company. Current market conditions are not supporting candidates to get a quick job at any business organisation due to Covid-19. On the other hand, candidates are also showing lack of professionalism and proficiency in their corporate job approach. Thus, mentioned issues and solutions regarding job opportunities for graduates can be further explained as well as investigated through relevant theoretical models

General theory of employment

This theory is concerned with measuring the amount of available quantity of money in the industrial field to avoid unemployment issues in the. Government is responsible for increasing or decreasing the quantity of money. People are able to sustain the increasing price of goods and materials due to ever increasing quantities of money. As per the views of Asiedu et al. (2020, p.419(1)), proper circulation of money is responsible for maintaining stability in the industrial employment aspect. Thus, the level of income and national monetary stock are always linked to one another. Thus, the rate of unemployment can increase if the overall monetary stock is not evenly distributed among the national population and the money stock can not circulate effectively (Asiedu et al. 2020, p.431 (2)). Covid-19 is also responsible for causing unexpected disruption in the industrial landscape. Monetary stock cannot regulate effectively in this case as different corporate sectors. It is the main reason for unemployment in the current situation of Australia.

Classical theory of employment

Classical theory of employment put its focus on the existence of full employment. According to Murakami (2021, p.7(1)), full employment is the most stable and normal situation based on stability between demand and supply of labor in the industrial market. Principles of classical employment theory clarify that the economic system must be highly flexible to provide automatic employment to existing laborers and workers. There are several reasons for increasing unemployment in the business market including wage structure, legislations and lack of proficiency (Murakami, 2021, p.4(2)). In the Covid-19 affected business industry, demand of laborers heavily decreased in the industry due to the lack of demand for products and services. This is the main reason for decreasing job and employment opportunities for business companies.


Holland theory of Vocational Types

This theory investigates personal qualities and characteristics of job seekers rather than identifying market conditions. Irrespective of market conditions, professional candidates need to be suitable for a particular job position based on their personal characteristics. Based on the principle of Holland theory of vocational types, professionals can be separated into 6 categories based on their personality types such as realistic, artistic, social, investigate, conventional and enterprising (Zainudin et al. 2020, p.891(4)). These characteristics types are key drivers of decision-making for candidates to select the best suitable career path. Commonwealth Serum Laboratories has faced different hiring and selection issues as new graduate candidates have not properly shown their professional qualities to select them as the right and proper candidate for the business company.

On-demand recruitment model

On-demand recruitment is the unique recruiting model which can be helpful for CSL limited as the concerned organisation has been working on the healthcare industry especially in biotechnology. As per the views (Brouwer and Hessels, 2019, p617 (2)), generally, through correct recruitment strategy any organization tries to attract more applicants towards their firm or business process. Similarly, the “on-demand recruitment model” comes with the advantage of recruiting the applicants for hourly basis work. In context with the current situation of CSL, the organisation has been facing financial issues in managing their recruitment process, the on-demand recruitment can be helpful for the concerned authorities of CSL in mitigating the financial issues. On the other aspect, as there has been increased demand for healthcare members due to COVID-19 situation, by applying an on-demand model the management of CSL can recruit maximum graduate individuals in Australia leading to the reduction of unemployment. On the other aspect, as this requirement focus on offering hourly working processes this can also help in mitigating the unemployment issues in Australia post the pandemic of COVID-19.  In this way, by integrating this particular recruitment would be leveraging for both the management of CSL as well as for the fresh graduates of Australia. 

Figure 1: On-demand recruitment model

(Source: Based Singh and Kamal, 2019, p319 (5))

Major issues of hiring fresh graduates during pandemic of COVID-19 

Challenge of virtual hiring 

Virtual hiring is the new age recruitment process of adjoining the best possible applicants within any work process. On the other aspect, virtual interviews “come with unique challenges like technical issues which need to be adapted by any concerned organisation while operating the hiring process (Jewkes et al. 2020, p1(4)). Similarly, the HR management of “Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL)” had faced the issues while managing the virtual hiring process for hiring the fresh graduates in Australia. On the other aspect, the HR management of CSL also dealt with the situation where they were not able to understand which applicants are best fitted for the organisation. For instance, the managing authority of CSL faced challenges while assessing the fresh graduates in Australia through the virtual mediums. The communicational gap during the virtual interviews comes as the major challenge for the recruiters of CSL while hiring the fresh graduates of Australia. On the other aspect, any kind of technical fault can lead to a problematic situation for the management of CSL while running their hiring process for the fresh graduates of Australia. 

Reduced recruitment budgets

The pandemic of COVID-19 not only impacted on the overall hiring process of any organisation but also reflected on the overall growth of any organisation. As per the reports, the finance expense of CSL was US$420 million in 2020 especially for the COVID-19 situation (, 2021, p16(3)). Based on this report, it is pretty clear that due to COVID-19 situation the management of CSL has invested a high amount of funding for operating the laboratories of the organisation. As the concerned organisation had invested a big amount for the overall laboratories work, the HRM have faced issues due to the reduced hiring budgets. The low budget for the recruitment not only impacted on the hiring process but also created issues for recruiters to apply the right techniques for hiking the best graduates in Australia. For example, the HRM faced a financial crisis while incorporating the best virtual techniques for recruiting the fresh graduates in Australia. On the other aspect, the reduced budgeting system can be problematic for the recruiters while handling the online hiring process of the organisation. 

Lack of technological assistance 

Any governing organisation could face problematic scenarios while conducting recruitment processes in case there has been a lack of technical assistance. As per the views of (Villeda et al. 2019, p67 (3)), due to the advancement of technologies any concerned HRM management can increase the opportunity of the recruitment process. Similarly, the HRM of CSL has faced difficulties while incorporating the digital interview process during the pandemic situation. On the other aspect, as the concerned organisation has been working in the field of biotechnology, the recruitment process becomes complex for the recruiters due to the lack of technical assistance especially during the COVID1-9 situation. Based on this aspect, the managing authority of CSL can integrate new technological advancements for solving out the technical issues while operating the recruitment process during the pandemic period.

Issues of health safety during recruitment 

Health safety concerns come as the major difficulty for the HRM of CSL while operating their recruitment process. On another aspect, in the previous year, the lack of monitoring regarding healthcare at the workplace had raised the risk of COVID-19 especially during the pandemic situation (O’Neill, 2020, p238(5)). Based on this matter, it can be governed that there has been strict rules for the business organisations regarding the health safety at workplace post pandemic period, it has become difficult for the HRM of CSL to conduct the traditional recruitment process for the fresh graduates of Australia due to the health safety concerns. As per the reports, the Australian government has enacted the regulation of operating the traditional method of work process after the vaccination (, 2021). Based on this particular regulation, it has become difficult for the HRM of CSL to conduct the hiring process as the management of the company will not be aware.

Possible techniques for mitigating the hiring issues in CSL 

Development of virtual tests

The HRM of CSL can integrate the idea of different virtual tests for the recruitment of the fresh graduates of Australia. As per the views of (Viloria et al. 2020), e-learning process has become a new way of learning system which can be implemented for recruitment process for developing tests for the applianats. For example, as the concerned institute is basically working on the field of biotechnology, developing several tests on that subjective matter for the virtual tests could be beneficial for the HRM of CSL. On the other aspect, these virtual tests would be also helpful for the management of CSL to assess the fresh graduates in a better way despite the pandemic situation. In this way, by developing different virtual tests would be leveraging for the HRM of CSL in mitigating the virtual interview issues. 

Implementation of internal hiring

The managing authority of CSL can implement an internal recruitment process for hiring the appropriate graduates of Australia. As suggested by (Singh and Kamal, 2019, p319(5)), internal recruitment can be done by the referrals of the existing employees of any organisation. From the above details, it is evident that the HRM of CSL has been facing financial issues due to the lack of financial budget for the recruitment of fresh applicants. Based on these factors, the implementation of the internal hiring process could be beneficial for the HRM of CSL in mitigating the low budget issues of recruitment.  

Collaboration with online platforms 

The HRM of CSL can govern the idea of collaborating with different online platforms for mitigating the lack of technological assistance issues. Through the collaboration with social media platforms, the management of CSL can easily advertise the job posts even in the pandemic of COVID-19 period. For example, by collaborating with LinkedIn the HRM of CSL can easily post jobs and can get eligible graduate candidates for their organisation. Apart from posting jobs on LinkedIn the HRM of CSL can utilise the social media platforms for engaging talents towards their work process. Based on these factors, it can be projected that by utilizing the online platforms the HRM of CSL can solve technical issues while recruiting the fresh candidates in Australia. 

Development of healthcare team 

The HRM and higher management of CSL can take the decision of developing a healthcare team for stopping the transmission of COVID-19 among their employees. Similarly, many organisations in Australia have implemented strict policies for stopping the transmission of COVID-19 at their workplace (Swaneya et al. 2021, p3(2)). Based on the above matter, the implementation of a healthcare team can be beneficial for the recruiters of CSL as well as for the applicants especially the fresh graduates applicants of Australia while going through the recruitment process. In this way, the implementation of healthcare teams at the workplace as well as the regulation of social distancing in the organisation can reduce the chances of getting affected with COVID-19. Based on these factors, it can be stated that the implementation of a healthcare team can enhance the health safety of the employees of CSL while conducting the recruitment processes. 

Effective solutions for the issues affecting the overall growth of CSL

Economic investment for the recruitment process

The managing authority of CSL can collaborate with more stakeholders for getting the economic aid needed for their recruitment process and overall business activities. As per the views of (Russell, E. and Kosny,2019, p2(1)), stakeholders can play a vital part in operating the overall work process of any organisation. Similarly, in the case of getting the required economic investment, accumulating the right stakeholders can be beneficial for CSL. As the concerned organisation has faced financial issues regarding the development and handling of the recruitment process during the pandemic period, engaging more stakeholders would be leveraging for the governing organisation. 

Application of education and training for the applicants

In the case of CSL, as the concerned organisation has been working in the field of biotechnology, the managing authority can implement educational training to the applicants. By giving educational training the applicants can easily get a more overview of the work process of CSL. In this way, the management of CSL can appropriate applicants for their governing work process. On the other aspect, the training programs can increase the knowledge and understanding of the applicants and that can also increase the opportunities of the fresh graduates of getting recruitment into the organisation. 



The above details help to showcase the actions which can help out the managing authority of CSL in dealing with the recruitment issues while recruiting the fresh graduates within the organisation. For instance, the strategy of collaborating with the online platforms would be helpful for the managing authority of CSL in recruiting the right graduates in their organisation. On the other aspect, by accumulating the stakeholders would be leveraging for the higher management in getting the financial aid for managing their recruitment process. Based on this data, it can be noted that the application of advanced recruitment technologies would be advantageous for CSL in mitigating the recruitment issues. 

Literature gap 

In case of this concerned research, research completion timing comes as one of the major gaps while collecting the research articles for this research. Collecting and describing more articles and journals in a similar context would be more helpful in projecting real-time data on research matters. Incorporation of more statistical data regarding recruitment issues would be leveraging for the future research work on the research matter. 


Conceptual framework