AVA20010 Aviation Legal Framework

Level 4 – Digital Skills and Research Methods

Executive summary

The paper is based on the research analysis done on the impact of technology on the curry industry. The paper has covered the primary and secondary analysis of the research objective. The recommendation and conclusion have been drawn based on the research analysis and objectives in this paper.


Technology is covering every business in the global market. In the curry industry technology has changed the operating of the business and innovation has been introduced in the restaurant business. In this paper, the technology has been implemented in the curry industry which may help improve the services. In this paper, the analysis has been done on the researcher work on the research objective. The primary and secondary approach has been discussed. In this paper, a small recommendation and conclusion have been drawn from the research report.

Analysis of research report

The research work is completed in two-part which is primary and secondary research work to get a proper result. In the primary research, the raw data is collected in which the survey questionnaire is taken into account to gather the data (Smith, 2015). The secondary research the data is collected which is published or second-hand data. The data gathered mainly from journals, articles, books and internet articles which is related to the reached work (Walliman, 2017). In the restaurant industry, technology has changed business operations. The operation such as promotion, delivery, billing, taking orders etc. all these processes have been changed for decades (Cobanoglu et al. 2015). In the research work, the implementation of the technology in the restaurant industry to improve the overall service has been considered.

Primary data

In this research work, a survey has been performed in which the 30 audiences have been targeted. However, the 20 participants have been sampled to get the conclusion. The different respondent’s ahs responses to the questionnaires and based on that the ability has been made that how technology has been changed the curry industry business operation.

  1. What is our gender?

Table 1: Gender Analysis

Options Frequency Number of Responses Total number of respondents
Male 35% 7 20
Female 65% 13 20

(Source: Created by the Researcher)

Fig 1: Gender Analysis

Level 4 - Digital Skills and Research Methods


In the survey, the female is the most active respondent, and they have willingly participated in the survey. The female likes to try the restaurant more and like to experience the new cuisines in Birmingham which is Indian Cuisines.

  1. How old are you?

Table 2: Age Group

Options Frequency Number of Responses Total number of respondents
16-25 35% 7 20
26-39 30% 6 20
40-49 15% 3 20
50-59 10% 2 20
60+ 10% 2 20

Fig 2: Age group

Level 4 - Digital Skills and Research Methods


The mixed responses acquired from these questions are that most of the participants are between the age group of  16 and 39. It will help target the customers. The services and food choices will be based on these groups in the restaurant.

  1. How do you find the quality of the service?    

Table 3: Quality of service

Options Frequency Number of Responses Total number of respondents
Excellent 30% 6 20
Very good 20% 4 20
Average 25% 5 20
Poor 15% 3 20
Very poor 10% 2 20

Fig 3: Quality of service

Level 4 - Digital Skills and Research Methods


In this question again mixed review has been acquired about the services of the restaurant. The rating is excellent, very good, and average mainly. As the services are good in the restaurant, therefore, it requires to improve more for the acquire more customers who do not like the service of the restaurant.                                                            

  1. How do you find the quality of the food?   

Table 4: Quality of the food

Options Frequency Number of Responses Total number of respondents
Excellent 40% 8 20
Very good 25% 5 20
Average 20% 4 20
Poor 5% 1 20
Very poor 10% 2 20

Fig 4: Quality of the food

Level 4 - Digital Skills and Research Methods


The responses which get in this question are that the maximum respondents like the quality of the food served by the restaurant. The quality needs to be required to be improved; this may attract more customers.                            

  1. The restaurant offers free parking for customers how helpful is that?

Table 5: Analysis of offering free parking by the restaurant

 Options Frequency Number of Responses Total number of respondents
Helpful   50% 10 20
Don’t know 20% 4 20
Not helpful   30% 6 20

Fig 5: Analysis of offering free parking by the restaurant

Level 4 - Digital Skills and Research Methods


The restaurant is offering free parking to the customers who have been helpful for the maximum number of people. The free parking will allow the customers to park as long they want. It is as include in the better services for customer to attract.                                                                                  

  1. How helpful is the online delivery service the restaurant offers?

Table 6: Analysis of online delivery service by the restaurant

Options Frequency Number of Responses Total number of respondents
Helpful   60% 12 20
Don’t know 25% 5 20
Not helpful   15% 3 20

Fig 6: Analysis Online delivery service by the restaurant

Level 4 - Digital Skills and Research Methods


The online delivery services are liked by most customers. The online services are now made convenient for the customers to buy food for the restaurant as they want. The online services provide an attraction to more customers because people can buy any food while staying at home. The delivery of the food needs to improve to attract more customers.           

  1. The restaurant has a Facebook page how difficult it is to access?

Table 7: Accessing of Facebook Page of the restaurant

Options Frequency Number of Responses Total number of respondents
Difficult   20% 4 20
Sometimes difficult 15% 3 20
Not difficult 30% 6 20
Never  access 35% 7 20

Fig 7: Accessing of Facebook Page of the restaurant

Level 4 - Digital Skills and Research Methods


The respondents who have been a response to this question have not accessed the Facebook page of the restaurant. The Facebook page needs to be more attractive, and it should be promoted to the customers. The creation of a proper advertisement page on Facebook will help in attracting more customers to the Restaurant.                                                                 

  1. Does the restaurant offer a loyalty card and how helpful is that?

Table 8: Analysis of loyalty card by the restaurant

Options Frequency Number of Responses Total number of respondents
Helpful 40% 10 20
Don’t know 60% 3 20
Not helpful 35% 7 20

Fig 8: Analysis of loyalty card by the restaurant

Level 4 - Digital Skills and Research Methods


The loyalty card is an effective strategy to attract customers. In this question, the respondents support the loyalty card. Therefore, to attract the customers, feasible discount offers need to offer the customers who will be effective to the restaurant.                               

  1. The restaurant is fully air-conditioned how helpful do you find that?   

Table 9: Analysis of restaurant air-conditioned helpful

Options Frequency Number of Responses Total number of respondents
Helpful 35% 7 20
Not helpful 15% 3 20
Don’t know 20% 4 20
Never visited 30% 6 20

Fig 9: Analysis of restaurant air-conditioned helpful

Level 4 - Digital Skills and Research Methods


The fully air-conditioned restaurant helps attract the customer to the restaurant which will be effective. The fully air-conditioned restaurant will provide a nice and cool environment for the customers, which will be helpful. A nice environment is essential to attract customers.    

  1. The restaurant offers a special set menu for how helpful do you find that?

Table 10: Analysis of restaurant offers a special set menu

Options Frequency Number of Responses Total number of respondents
Helpful 40% 8 20
Not helpful 20% 4 20
Don’t know 15% 3 20
Never visited 25% 5 20

Fig 10: Analysis of restaurant offers a special set menu

Level 4 - Digital Skills and Research Methods


The menu is the most important in the restaurant as the people like to taste the good cuisines in the restaurant. Therefore, the different set of the menu helps start the customer. In these questions, most of the respondents support the different sets of the menu.   

Secondary data

In the secondary analysis, the data has been gathered from different journals, articles, and books to analyse the research objectives. The interaction of technology has been considered effective in attracting customers, and it also improves the services of the restaurant (Tan and Netessine, 2017). The technology has created ease in getting the raw material for the restaurant. The billing option has also been easy in the modern curry industry. The data is easy to store due to the integration of technology in the workplace of the restaurant (Cobanoglu et al. 2015). The most effective innovation in the curry industry is occurring due to the internet. The internet helps in the promotion of the restaurant to the customer.  The online delivery and online booking area acquire by integrating technology into the restaurant (Ali et al. 2016). Therefore, the integration of technology in the restaurant is the most effective idea.


To improve the services of the restaurant the suggestion which can be made are:

  • The promotion of the restaurant is necessary via different social network sites. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Is good channel to promote the business. The page must be attractive and have nice pictures, and video needs to post on that pages.
  • A mobile application needs to be created for the restaurant which will be user-friendly. The customer who books tables and orders food from the app will get a good discount.
  • The home delivery services need to be good. The booking will need to be easy, and the delivery of the food needs to be in less time as per the location of the customers.


The above paper is about the impact of technology on the curry industry in improving its services. The paper has covered both secondary and primary research work to complete the research work. The conclusion which can be drawn from the above paper is that the integration of technology in the curry industry is effective in improving the services. Innovation is possible in the restaurant with the help of technology.

Reference list

Ali, F., Amin, M. and Cobanoglu, C., 2016. An integrated model of service experience, emotions, satisfaction, and price acceptance: an empirical analysis in the Chinese hospitality industry. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(4), pp.449-475.

Cobanoglu, C., Yang, W., Shatskikh, A. and Agarwal, A., 2015. Are consumers ready for mobile payment? An examination of consumer acceptance of mobile payment technology in restaurant industry. Hospitality Review, 31(4), p.6.

Smith, J.A. ed., 2015. Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. Sage.

Tan, T. and Netessine, S., 2017. At Your Service on the Table: Impact of Tabletop Technology on Restaurant Performance.

Walliman, N., 2017. Research methods: The basics. Routledge.