International Trade and Finance Sample


Leadership is one of the key aspects that have to be effective in every organization which is likely to help every organization to achieve its organizational objectives successfully. Leaders are capable of driving employees and motivating them effectively to achieve every organizational objective that would help to gain effective market share (Domingues et al., 2017). A leader could be defined as a person who sets an example for others through motivation and encouraging words and activities that largely help to drive people towards their personal and professional goals. Leadership is highly essential in a business to take up organizational responsibility properly and effectively. Impressive leadership is important for organizational growth and the personal and professional growth of employees (Frankel & PGCMS, 2017).

GLP 1: Reflection

The Nature-Nurture Concept has long been the subject of debate for many people all across the world. It could be said that most scholars have related leadership to this stating that leadership skills are born and in genes, another school of thought feels that leadership skills could be nurtured with the help of gathering experience from different sources. It is tough to understand this debate but as an aspiring leader, I have faced several situations where I had to give my best as a leader to establish myself as a leader and gather experience from the situations which would influence my career as a leader (Mohelska & Sokolova, 2015).  I have always known that there are different traits of a leader which are reflected in crises. This present review is based on one such situation which will show that nature-nurture leadership has a role to play in the career of a leader. The case has been analyzed with the help of the Gibbs Reflective Cycle which would help to give the best possible results to me.

Case 1


The incident happened in the health and social care organization where I was working earlier. I was new to the organization and was working as a trainee healthcare worker with another fellow. We were to move a patient from one floor to the other and she had to be moved while she was sleeping and this created a lot of problems as I was new to the job. I had my senior partner who was more experienced than me. We lifted her from the bed and were put on the stretcher but I forgot to tie the slings which could lead to a fatal accident. We lifted her and eventually, she fell as she was in her sleep was completely senseless and so I had to take care of the problem. My senior partner somehow tried to control her and eventually fell from a distance. Even though the height of the fall was not too long but it was an embarrassing situation.


I was initially rusty and felt a little nervous before I was about to do the job and felt the same thing while lifting her as this was the first time I was moving someone like this professionally and hence it might have happened I gave myself up. After the incident, I was mortified as I felt it was my fault.  My partner was not feeling that much trouble and was trying to console me after the problem. There were a lot of people around and they all looked at me it was embarrassing. Right now I feel I could have been a little more cautious about my movements then which could have averted the incident. It was a little immature behavior from my side and I think even other people still think the same thing.


The situation was taken lightly by the other fellows and people tried to console me saying that they had seen worse hence it could be said that they tried to cheer me up which pulled back my confidence to a large extent and this stands to be the positive aspect of the scenario. The negative aspect of the incident is that I had been very casual with my approach which had to be changed as a health and social care worker. We recovered well from the incident and were able to pick the patient up quickly and she was not harmed. My partner and other people supported me in picking up the patient and also cheered me up suggesting forgetting the matter.


The incident highlights that lack of experience affects the nature of an employee and with time passing intelligence, and self-confidence increase which is considered key for a leader who believes in nature and nurture.


If I am faced with such a situation I will be focused on using my intelligence and responsibility like a traditional trait leader by analyzing every situation effectively and will ensure that the patient is tied up with the slings properly and all precautionary measures are taken to move the patient. As a nature-nurture leader, I will gather experience from every incident which would help to focus on developing my knowledge and developing my nature as a leader who emphasizes developing intelligence, self-confidence, and responsibility which I was not able to show in this case. In the future, if I am faced with this kind of situation I will be able to handle it with intelligence and responsibility. To make these changes I will go through different similar situations which would help me to get practical ideas and plans about making changes in myself.

GLP 2: Reflection

Situational leadership is a new form of leadership that has emerged to be important recently. Situational leaders are highly focused on emerging as leaders in specific situations which helps them to pull off certain tasks in difficult situations. It could be said that situational leaders like to take up challenges that establish them as key players in the organization. It is stated that situational leaders have high reflexes and can make decisions faster than anyone in the organization. In the present review, I will be reflecting on the importance of being a situational leader and talk about the key aspects that situational leaders have (Mahembe & Engelbrecht, 2014).

Case 2


This incident happened in the healthcare organization where I was working initially. In this case during an exhibition one of my colleagues was responsible to show the school students a particular ward with new medical equipment (Wong et al., 2013). There were other colleagues as well who also supported him in the task. I was in the group that was allotted to handle students. The school students are normally curious and want to know a lot of things. Adjoining the exhibition area the MRI room was located and one of the students went there without any knowledge and the noise of the MRI room affected the child. When he came out he was in a momentary trauma and none of my colleagues attempted to rescue him from this situation.


I was feeling bad as he was not helped and as a healthcare worker I felt it was my responsibility to rescue him from this trauma. All my colleagues were feeling bad but it made me completely uncomfortable. He was sitting quietly as the strong magnetic field of the room somehow took a toll on his senses and he needed to be treated. The main emotion I felt in this situation was nervousness and anxiety.


My role was to take care of the students and hence I felt a strong urge of treating the child but as I was new I did not know what to do. It is important to mention that acting in the best interest of the child was important and is always essential and hence whatever possible steps could be taken has to be taken. It is an important duty of the healthcare worker to protect patients and then protecting the child was my priority. Everyone understood the situation but didn’t make moves to treat the child as if they were puzzled like me.


Having seen the trauma that a patient might suffer at the Hospital makes me more assertive towards making people aware of the different risks people can face in the hospital and how they could be averted.

Action Plan

I feel that I was able to emerge in the situation as a leader as I took the initiative to treat the child. If now I am faced with something like this I will first of all try to take the person out of Trauma by slapping him or her just to divert the mind and bring it back to its senses. I will also take the initiative to implement several tools to handle situations effectively through communication to avert similar kinds of situations.


Leaders can enhance the work experience of the employees and peers through great motivational words and encouraging thoughts and also with an astute reading of situations and prudent decision-making skills (Parry & Kempster, 2014). There are different forms of leadership and different theories too, like the trait theory, transformational approach to leadership, situational approach et cetera. It has become an increasingly debated subject in the corporate world (Tourish, 2014). The present reflection is done to understand the importance of trait and situational approaches to leadership through GLP reflection. The present reflection has been able to show the importance of personal reflection in leadership.


Wong, C.A., Cummings, G.G. and Ducharme, L., 2013. The relationship between nursing leadership and patient outcomes: a systematic review update. Journal of nursing management, 21(5), pp.709-724.

Parry, K. and Kempster, S., 2014. Love and leadership: Constructing follower narrative identities of charismatic leadership. Management Learning, 45(1), pp.21-38.

Tourish, D., 2014. Leadership, more or less? A processual, communication perspective on the role of agency in leadership theory. Leadership, 10(1), pp.79-98.

Mahembe, B. and Engelbrecht, A.S., 2014. The relationship between servant leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, and team effectiveness. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 40(1), pp.01-10.

Mohelska, H. and Sokolova, M., 2015. Organizational culture and leadership–joint vessels? Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 171, pp.1011-1016.

Domingues, A.R., Lozano, R., Ceulemans, K. and Ramos, T.B., 2017. Sustainability reporting in public sector organizations: Exploring the relation between the reporting process and organizational change management for sustainability. Journal of Environmental Management, 192, pp.292-301.

Frankel, A. and PGCMS, R., 2017. What leadership styles should senior nurses develop? benefits, 10, p.32.