TLH314 International Hospitality Management

Marx’s general purpose was to assess Hegel’s political philosophy, which allowed him to examine existing political institutions and, more broadly, to discuss the question of the relationship of politics to economics.

Marx Devoted himself to the recognition of philosophy ‘, which he formulated in his doctoral dissertation. Marx sets out to criticize all barriers to human freedom. Among which religion and political states are the most important ones.  The purpose of why Marx believes that religion and politics are related is precisely the fact that both invert the current state of affairs and religion recognizes this inversion more directly. In religion, human makes themself dependent on a being which is nothing other than their creator. Hegel described religion as one of man’s higher spiritual activities. It expresses, through religion, that it is reasonable and free. Philosophy must strive to capture it again in the form of rational thought.

 Marx explains that religion is a response to division in material life and cannot be removed until human material life is released, at which point religion will fade away. Precisely he wants to states that what it is about material life that creates religion is not set out with complete clarity.

Hegel displays the constitutional monarchy as a balanced state and seems to do nothing other than to justify the existing conditions. In this work, Hegel analyzes civil society, which constitutes the realm of economic interests and, to a certain extent, conceives its contradictions. Hegel tries to explain the monarch’s position to preclude any arbitrariness in the State, but what he presents is, for Marx, the very despotism of the monarch. The monarch acts by his particular will, and what determines a person as the monarch becomes not rationality, but nature.

 Marx returns to the fact that critical thinking must keep in mind that religion is a form of self-awareness produced by the social environment. Revolutionary criticism must, therefore, see the defects of religion as products of the human world alienated by the State and society at large.

Marx viewed democracy as a tool to capture power for the people. He considers that democracy could reduce the difficulty of workers as they will choose the government they need. Democracy can promote socialist ideas and reduce the separation workers face each day. It also states that law is made to benefit people not vice versa.

According to Marx, Hegel’s argument concerning the monarch is defective and uncertain because he first asserts that individuality exists only in the individual. Then, following this determination, he says that the sovereignty of the state is embodied only in one’s individual. Marx opposes democracy to Hegel’s constitutional monarchy; against the point of view limiting the freedom of the state only to one person and excluding all other persons from the state, Marx makes democracy a current issue.

Therefore, Marx’s problem is not only with Hegel’s philosophy of the state but also with his philosophy in general. And his critique of Hegel’s philosophy of the state thus focuses on understanding the modern state, criticizing it.