MN2105 Consultancy Challenge Assignment Help


According to studies and research, the utilization of cities analogues helps comprehend and visualize the impacts of climate change. Moreover, cities can be utilized as essential climate analogue, allowing individuals to imagine their climate future by comparing with other cities that experience the same climatic conditions. 

Studies suggest that these trends imply that cities are probably likely to experience the same conditions as those at lower latitudes as the climate warms. Towns in the Southern Hemisphere that exist in warm conditions and have considerable reflections in extreme weather variation are likely to display independent geographic exchanges under alternating climate changes. This approach and weighted city analogue analysis have made it easy to determine and understand climate change.

Also, it was essential to study climate change from a global analysis of city analogues. It helped determine and understand a need to combat climate change through unified actions across all units in the social setting.

Concerns and Limitations 

The global analysis of cities analogue on climate change utilized General Circulation Methods (GCMs), future scenarios and principal component analysis to evaluate and understand climate change. It is not evident these approaches are relied on because there could be regional sea-level change and coastal impacts which may affect the climate pattern in the tropics and southern hemisphere.

Another concern is that, up to date, the current study and research have been referring to regional or continent-scale approaches in Europe and North America and lack a unifying global approach. These trends imply that cities are in most cases, resemble those within the lower latitudes as the climate warms. Thus it is still uncertain if these patterns hold a global range since other climate triggers, e.g. alternating precipitation regimes, may impact the latitudinal patterns. Nevertheless, the researchers used this approach, as it has been used in optimistic climate scenarios and utilizing other strategies would lead to incomparable data.

According to some research, World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), developed by Joint Scientific Committee (JSC), is a more reliable approach to understanding climate change. It is preferred over global analysis of city analogues. Establishing unified comprehension of alteration of climate conditions needs a worldwide perspective and utilization of a whole range of variables to show the vast climate regime of those locales.

Originality and Novelty

Global analysis of cities analogues shows consistent global shifts in the climate alternations of crucial future towns globally over the coming 30 years. The approach reveals that climate conditions of about 77% of essential cities globally will alternate to a great extent resembling the needs of another town. Also, the course shows that about 22% of the towns may exist in a climatic regime not currently living on the globe today. These patterns identify the vulnerability of tropical cities, 30% of which will experience alternations into novel climate regimes without existing analogues in crucial cities globally [29].

The analysis helps visualize the future climate of crucial cities worldwide; the outcomes allow decision-makers in all social settings to envision alternations in their towns. London’s mayor has pictured drought considerations into his Environment Strategy objecting to 2050 [33].

In novelty aspect, this study is not a novel model displaying upgraded climate predictions or estimates by 2050. Thus this analysis intends to illustrate how complex climate information can be encapsulated by the researchers effectively into tactile details interpreted easily by any individual. The researchers suggest that when the approach predictions are updated, they will advocate transmitting new outcomes with this objective in place.

Potential Societal Impact

In considering social aspects, this study has worldwide benefits and impacts on society. Still, it is essential in Europe and North America’s important cities for several organizations and individuals. 

The study identified the important cities in Europe and North America that are essential in their respective countries. It helps to visualize the future climate of crucial towns worldwide; the outcomes allow the decision-makers in all social settings to envision alternations in their cities. London’s mayor has pictured drought considerations into his Environment Strategy objecting to 2050 [33]. Empowerment of local inhabitants to evaluate suggested environmental guidelines and policies can be facilitated by information displayed in this study. In a case where Barcelona encountered drought implications that needed importation of 22 million Euros of drinking water, the municipal government utilized innovative initiatives to safeguard water resources in the city.

The global analysis of cities analogues will also make it possible to predict the future shifts and patterns of climate change in important cities in Europe and Northern America to prevent climatic implications like global warming and drought conditions.