Investment and Portfolio Management

Subject Summary

ITC561 – Cloud Computing
Session 2 2018
Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences
School of Computing and Mathematics
Internal Mode
Credit Points 8
Welcome to a new session of study at Charles Sturt University. Please refer to the University’s

Acknowledgement of Country. (

Subject Coordinator
Subject Coordinator Sharelle Simmons
Campus Other
Consultation procedures

Your lecturer is: Faizal Riaz-ud-din
Any questions concerning the teaching of this subject can be made by contacting your subject
Email: (
Email Etiquette: In order to receive responses to your email on time ensure that you address
the issue meeting the basic requirements of professional communication. You should include
your ID number, name, subject code and type of query in the header/subject to enable the
lecturer to read and identify who has sent the email. This will also avoid your email being
treated as SPAM.
However, you should consider if your question is already addressed elsewhere (e.g. Subject
outline, Announcements and iLearn site within Interact2) and if you are contacting the most
appropriate person.

Charles Sturt University Subject Outline

Class details
For class details please refer to
If your class is scheduled for a public holiday, then an alternate time will be organised and you
will be notified via your subject interact2 site.
Your subject coordinator will be available for consultation. You will be informed of the
consultation procedures via your Interact2 subject site; as well as the names, contact details
and consultation procedures for any other staff teaching the subject.

Subject Overview


This subject provides students with an in-depth study of cloud computing technologies and their use in business. It looks into various standards based cloud systems and architectures. It further discusses various cloud delivery models, planning for migration to a cloud model. It also discusses governance and security issues in a cloud model and managing the cloud infrastructure.

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, you should:
• be able to compare and evaluate the ability of different cloud computing architectures to meet a set of given business requirements;
• be able to evaluate a set of business requirements to determine suitability for a cloud computing delivery model;
• be able to identify and design an ICT Risk Management strategy for a cloud computing delivery plan to meet business requirements;
• be able to critically analyse business requirements to plan a migration to a cloud model;
• be able to compare and critique Service Level Agreements (SLA) that meet the business requirements for a cloud computing plan

Subject content

There are a number of topics in this subject which you will access through Interact. These
topics are:
1. Cloud Basics.
2. Cloud Technologies.
Charles Sturt University Subject Outline
ITC561 201860 SB I
Version 2 – Published 05 July 2018

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3. Cloud Concepts and Models.
4. Cloud Architectures.
5. Cloud Application (Microservices) Architectures
6. Security in the Cloud.
7. Risk Management in the Cloud.
8. Management of services in the Cloud.
9. SLAs and their place in the Cloud.
10. Planning your Migration to the Cloud.
11. Governance in the Cloud.
12. Bringing it all together.

Key subjects

Passing a key subject is one of the indicators of satisfactory academic progress through your course. You must pass the key subjects in your course at no more than two attempts. The first time you fail a key subject you will be at risk of exclusion; if you fail a second time you will be excluded from the course. The Academic Progress Policy ( sets out the requirements and procedures for satisfactory academic progress, for the exclusion of students who fail to progress satisfactorily and for the termination of enrolment for students who fail to complete in the maximum allowed time.

Subject Schedule & Delivery

Prescribed text
The textbooks required for each of your enrolled subjects can also be found via the Student Portal Textbooks ( page. You will be provided with the text book for this subject: • Erl, T., Mahmood, Z., & Puttini, R. (2013). Cloud Computing. Concepts, Technology & Architecture. Upper Saddle River, NJ.: Pearson Education, Inc. Textbook Information Please note that this subject will use an eBook. Prior to the commencement of the session, students will receive their eBook electronically to the email address listed in their CSU Contact Details. If you experience any errors with your courseware or have not received any course
materials by the first week of session, please contact either Renee Warr (02 6051 9903) or Teresa Van Kesteren (02 6051 9782), or send an email to (mailto:
Providing students with eBooks allows us to deliver course material worldwide in a timely Charles Sturt University Subject Outline  fashion with the fewest delays and errors, and also allows us to rapidly change course material
in response to student needs. IT Masters or CSU may share your contact details with third party providers for the sole purpose of providing courseware or materials required for your course. CSU is more than happy to work with the Disability Liaison Team to provide you with alternatives if you have a physical or sensory impairment, learning disability, mental health condition or medical condition that prevents you from studying with eBooks. The textbooks required for each of your enrolled subjects can also be found via the Student Portal Textbooks (

Required Cloud Account
You will also be required to open a Amazon Web Services (AWS) Educate account for this subject. This is a free account that AWS makes available for CSU students. Instructions for opening this AWS account will be found on the  TC561 Interact site. Access to this account is essential in order to complete your assignments.

Your class times can be found at Timetable @ CSU ( Find out how to use Timetable @ CSU via the Student Portal Class Timetable ( page.


Week Week Commencing Topics Learning Activities

1 16 July 2018 Cloud Basics Topic 1.

2 23 July 2018 Cloud Technologies

Topic 2.
Assignment 1 due on 29
Jul 2018

3 30 July 2018 Concepts and Models Topic 3.

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ITC561 201860 SB I
Version 2 – Published 05 July 2018

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Week Week Commencing Topics Learning Activities

4 6 August 2018 Cloud Architectures Topic 4.

5 13 August 2018 Cloud Application

Topic 4.1
Assignment 2 due on 19
Aug 2018

6 20 August 2018 Cloud Security and Risk

Management Topics 5 & 6


27 August 2018-31
August 2018 Mid Session Break

8 3 September 2018 Cloud Management & SLAs Topic 7 & 8

9 10 September 2018 Migration Planning

Topic 9
Assignment 3 due 16
Sep 2018

10 17 September 2018 Migration Planning Topic 9 & 10

11 24 September 2018 Governance Topic 11

12 1 October 2018 Bringing it all together

Topic 11
Assignment 4 due 7 Oct

Charles Sturt University Subject Outline
Week Week Commencing Topics Learning Activities

13 8 October 2018 Appraisal and Review Topic 12.

14 15 October 2018 Examination Period

15 22 October 2018 Examination Period

Learning materials

Details of learning materials that support your success in this subject can be found in the
Interact2 Subject Site.

Learning, teaching and support strategies All of your subject materials are available on the Interact site under the Topics link in the left hand side menu. I suggest that for each topic you read the learning objectives carefully, read
the overview, have a quick skim of the text. Once you have got a feel for what the topic is about try and make a good set of notes under each of the topic review questions in that topic. These questions have been designed to give you focus in the topic, so it really helps to prepare a useful set of answers to them. In this subject, there are also lots of opportunities for you to engage with me, with your peers (i.e. classmates) and with the subject. During 3-hour weekly face-to-face lecture/tutorial, we can discuss content issues and assessment items. As part of your assessment in this subject, you are free to interact with me and other students through face to face class. The study guide and/or subject materials for this subject have been written specifically to guide you through the sections (and questions) of the prescribed textbook relevant to each topic. You should check the Interact Site at least weekly for postings, announcements, lecture information and other resources that will assist your studies or additional information and
resources vital to your success in the subject. Studying at university does not mean studying alone. Take advantage of collective wisdom and post your questions to the subject forum. Use the subject schedule to plan your studies over the session. Information on effective time management is available on the CSU Learning Support website via the following link: You can also contact an adviser through Student Central on the following number: 1800 275 278 (or +61 2 6933 7507 from outside Australia). Charles Sturt University Subject Outline

Library Services
The CSU Library website provides access to online material and print, using Primo Search to find online journal articles, eBooks, hardcopy books from CSU Library (see Library Manager for Interlibrary Loan Requests), company & government reports, eJournals, dissertations, theses, newspapers including Business & Financial newspapers in Factiva (See Business & IT Journal Databases), and other reference resources (eg. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian standards, online encyclopedias & dictionaries to be read on the computer). You will also find library guides, Subject Reserve for any readings eg. ITC100, ACC100, etc., and online assistance to help you use the Library’s resources such as Ask a Librarian – Live Chat and Ask a Librarian – Web Form. You can find Library Services on both the SGA library online catalogue: The SGA library online catalogue allows students to Sign In, My Account shows student’s current library record including all books on loan, Renew your borrowed books online before the due date, also Search and Request all books in the SGA library, even if unavailable due to high demand from students. Students can Request books when all books are on loan to other
students. When the requested book is returned to the SGA library, the student who requested the book receives an email immediately to pick up the book from the SGA library. View your library record online 24/7 at the above web link for SGA library. And also CSU Library online: – CSU Library Services including Primo Search & Subject Reserve online with 24/7 access, online and video tutorials in research skills, finding journal articles for assignments, topic analysis, download Endnote referencing program and many
other online library services to help you successfully complete your assignments for all CSU courses. Powerful search engine from National Library of Australia to access many different online resources on any subject from one search. Contact Details for renewing loans, locating books and other information:
CSU Study Centre Brisbane Library Daniel Richards, Librarian Phone: 07 3232 1671 Email: (
Library Help Friendly and quick assistance is available. Ask
for help finding information and navigating the library’s extensive eResources.
Online Tutorials
Learn how to:
• use Primo Search to find eReserve material and journal articles
• search journal databases and web resources for information for your assessments
• identify appropriate sources of information and peer reviewed material, and evaluate
Charles Sturt University Subject Outline

Bookmark your Subject Library Resource Guide
Subject Library Guides are a great way to get started with research. Each online guide is tailored to a specific area of study, including Accounting, Business & Information Technology outlining how to research in your area and where to look for information. Academic Learning Support Assistance The Study Centres also offers a range of workshops specifically targeting your needs as an international student. These workshops run once per week and build into the comprehensive Academic Skills Development Program that you should participate in. Please see the timetables for these programs on the noticeboards on campus and also via the iLearn Interact2 Organisation site. You may also contact: Jennifer Rennie-Sia Manager Student Services & Study Support Phone: 07 3232 1531 E-mail: ( For appointments, please see Joyce Szeto. Academic Support Officer, Level 4. Queries regarding the content of this subject should be directed to your subject lecturer.

Recommended student time commitment

CSU Academic Senate policy states that a standard 8 point subject should require students to spend a total of between 140-160 hours engaged in learning and assessment activities. This means an average of 10 to 12 hours each week.

Assessment Items

Essential requirements to pass this subject

A student must obtain at least 50% in both the examination and the total mark in order to pass this subject.
To be eligible for the grade AA or AE you must have submitted all assessment items in the subject, including the final exam. If you choose not to complete an assessment item or do not sit the final exam then you will not be granted an AA or an AE grade.       Charles Sturt University Subject Outline

Item No. Title Value Due Date* Return Date**
1 Cloud Basics and Technology 5% 29-Jul-2018 20-Aug-2018
2 Concepts and Models 20% 19-Aug-2018 07-Sep-2018
3 Applied Cloud Concepts in AWS 5% 16-Sep-2018 09-Oct-2018
4 Security Management and Migration 20% 07-Oct-2018 26-Oct-2018
5 Final Exam 50% To be advised
* Due date is the last date for assessment items to be received at the University
** Applies only to assessment items submitted by the due date
Assessment item 1

Cloud Basics and Technology
Value: 5%
Due Date: 29-Jul-2018
Return Date: 20-Aug-2018
Submission method options: Interact2 Test

Complete the online quiz on Topics 1 and 2 in the Interact Test Centre


This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to compare and evaluate the ability of different cloud computing architectures to meet a set of given business requirements. This assessment covers the following outcomes for this subject:
• Be able to compare and evaluate the ability of different Cloud Computing Architectures to meet a set of given business requirements;