HI6008 Assessment Two Business Research Literature Review

Goal: You will apply theories of international trade and foreign investment to a specified business situation while working as part of a group.

Product: Group Report and Presentation Format:

Report: Working in groups of 3-4, you will be required to analyse a major international economics and finance issue. The topic will be selected in consultations with the Course Coordinator. Each group member is expected to make approximately equal contribution. Any problems with the working of a group should be reported to the Lecturer by week 6. After week 6, no changes will be permitted to a group and all students will receive the same mark.

Criteria • structure of the report: quality of presentation, flow and appropriate referencing, strong introduction and a clear purpose • quality of analysis: link between theory and practice and depth of analysis, use of theory reflected in the arguments, evidence of independent research, high standard of analysis and communication • lessons learned: quality of conclusions and/or recommendations