Accounting Theory and Current Issue

Assessment Tasks
These tasks are to be completed partly on placement and partly in your own time. You can use your text book, learning materials, the Internet and workplace policies and procedures to assist you with your answers.

ALL pages MUST be numbered and your name needs to be visible on each page. If this assessment task is deemed to be Not Satisfactory, the assessor will arrange to meet with you and discuss the options and timeframes to be re-assessed.
You must complete all the tasks in this book. Many of the tasks are designed around your placement where you will need to discuss and record tasks with the room leader/supervisor.

Evidence provided by you for all of these questions must be sufficient for your assessor to make a satisfactory judgment. A satisfactory judgment for each question is required to achieve competency in the unit.
The completed Assessment Tasks must be handed in to the trainer by the due date as notified.

Feedback: You will be given feedback from the assessor for each task you complete.

Unit Description:

CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the child in early childhood This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to foster and enhance the holistic development and wellbeing of children from birth to 6 years of age.
The unit applies to educators working in a range early education and care service settings.

CHCECE018 Nurture creativity in children
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to nurture creativity in children.
The unit applies to educators who work with children in a variety of education and care services.

CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to support both individual and group plans for developing cooperative behaviour.
This unit applies to educators working in a range of education and care services.

CHCECE021 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to support the inclusion of all children and to work with relevant others to plan and implement support strategies where required.
This unit applies to educators working in a range of education and care services.