International Human Resource Management


The global fashion industry has expanded considerably over time with the specifically explicit aspects of development noted in the case of apparel, luxury goods, and accessories. The total worth of the industry was estimated to be 1217 billion US$ in 2006 which increased substantially to 1800 billion US$ in 2011 validating the exponential growth in the industry. The global fashion industry has the capability of retaining true competitiveness and the UK fashion industry is also accounted as a major contributor to the global industry as can be observed in its retail sales value of £22 billion in 2008 ((Hanssens et al., 2014). However, the trends in the fashion industry have become dynamic and as a result, marketing applications should play a significant role in the management of growth and change. The following report is intended to depict the primary research related to the launch of new product packages by the concerned brand i.e. Zelle Studios which is a UK-based online womenswear provider (, 2017). The essential highlights of the report would be directed toward the analysis of the client’s brand, and contextual analysis of the fashion sector and the fashion market. The design of the launch and promotion package for the brand and critical reflection on the feedback provided by the client is also accounted as profound aspects of the report.

Brand analysis:

The report is aimed at providing a final report regarding the launch of an organization in the fashion industry that is based in the UK. The organization’s name is Zelle Studio which provides womenswear through its website or through its boutique which serves as a place for physical distribution (, 2017). The company is assumed as the client in this case which has to launch its new products and the relevant promotion package. The company’s story is profoundly associated with the motivation of a brother-sister duo to induce novel innovations in the domain of fashion. Their desire for creating high-quality products in low volumes to address a specific customer segment has led to the proliferation of a brand that could cater to the dynamics of the contemporary fashion industry (Armstrong et al., 2015). The representatives have to examine the data regarding the potential market alongside the prominent implications of the marketing mix that can lead to the formulation of launch packages that could address the specific target market intended by the organization. As per Huang & Sarigöllü, the opportunities for the organization to expand shortly could be flexibly determined on the grounds of the identification of marketing mix, advantages, and setbacks for entry into a new market (Huang & Sarigöllü, 2014). The formal objectives of the study could be observed in the precise identification of notable characteristics of probable customers through the collated review of market analysis and industry analysis outcomes. In this report, it is essential to consider that the product in concern is the brand and not the products which could be profoundly associated with the implications of analyzing the role of the commodity in the brand’s marketing effectiveness.

The brand analysis for Zelle Studios could be presented with formidable references to the implications of change in a competitive environment for the enterprise (, 2017). The fashion industry is subject to profound changes over time and has been profoundly characterized by short-term trends. The competitive environment of the fashion industry is profoundly associated with the vested interest in the development of new products for the customer. Zelle Studios proceeds with the vision of promoting a conscious attitude toward the development of fashion pieces that could be included in a modern wardrobe (Hanssens et al., 2014). However, it is essential to observe the competitive environment on the grounds of the marketing forces analysis which could provide an impression of the various aspects that influence the marketing of the products of Zelle Studios. The bargaining power of suppliers in the domain of the fashion industry is assumed to be a lower force since the variety of scale and multitude of enterprises in the industry accounts for the limited power of suppliers. According to Huang & Sarigöllü, the lower switching costs for fashion brands in terms of suppliers are responsible for decreasing the bargaining power of suppliers. The bargaining power of customers can be associated with moderated force according to the market forces analysis in the fashion industry (Huang & Sarigöllü, 2014). The bargaining power of customers is formidably characterized by the demands of customers for innovation in fashion and the variation in buying preferences due to a wide range of factors. Furthermore, customers could also depict formidable characteristics of lower switching costs albeit with compromises in terms of quality. The market forces of competitive rivalry are observed to be high in the case of the fashion industry with the long list of prominent competitors among big brands such as Christian Dior, Armani, Versace, Louis Vuitton, etc. Furthermore, the fashion industry is characterized by large-scale entrepreneurship thereby leading to concerns of increasing competition. In the UK, Zelle Studio could face formidable competition from Zara which has established itself as a reputed name in the UK fashion industry. The threat of new entrants is also observed to be high in the case of the UK fashion industry with the formidable support provided by the government to the fashion industry. The low costs of entry and flexible regulations for supporting the establishment of new firms in the fashion industry. The threat of substitutes could be assumed as a moderate market force in the fashion industry (Hanssens et al., 2014).

The products manufactured by leading brands and unique designs could be easily imitated and replicated flexibly which leads to the profound concerns about the threat of substitutes. However, customers in the contemporary fashion industry are largely inclined towards estimating the validity of products on the grounds of quality which could not be found in substitutes. Since Zelle Studio emphasizes the higher quality of its products that could sustain for a longer period than other fashion products, it is liable to face moderate or even low impact of the market forces of threats from substitutes. Furthermore, Zelle Studio is committed to the development of products relevant to contemporary trends thereby dealing with the obsolescence of product designs that were prominent in the previous year (Hajikhani, Porras & Melkas, 2017).

Individual Final Project Report - Zelle Studio Brand Study Help

Zelle provides independent labels and modern-style women’s wear. These are simplistic and effortless.

Marketing mix:

The determination of the marketing approach for the client has to be based on a comprehensive review of the specific elements of the marketing mix. The outcomes of analyzing the marketing mix in the context of the client’s business could be collated with the impression of marketing environment analysis obtained from brand analysis to present a viable marketing package for launching products of the client. The marketing mix is accounted as a crucial influence on the decisions about marketing management and could be observed to be categorized into five elements namely referring to the Product, Place, Price, People, and Promotion which can also be known as the 5Ps of marketing in the fashion industry.


As per Khan, product management in the fashion industry is considered as a crucial element for the marketing mix since it is the visible representation of the industry. References to theory related to marketing mix depict that the product aspect in the context of marketing comprises the goods and services provided to customers in exchange for financial returns. The positioning of Zelle Studio as a different entity from luxury brands is responsible for the determination of its product designs (Khan, 2014). The target market of the brand enables it to manufacture products in different styles which are unique and different. Therefore the product dimension of the marketing mix in the case of Zelle Studios could be characterized by the production of a higher volume of stylish products rather than producing more quantities for specific styles of products. The design managers are required to develop a range of different designs of shirts for major retailers. Furthermore, the products of Zelle Studio are identified to be designed for women and meant for long-term use which could be based on the quality of the apparel facilitated by the brand (Kandogan et al., 2014). The design manager is responsible for collecting information regarding the design preferences prevalent in the existing market. The information collected by the design managers is responsible for ensuring that the designers are adequately informed of the product demands. Product managers are required to ensure that the designs are favorable for the retailers in event of the severe competition in the fashion industry. Therefore the product aspect of the marketing mix could be addressed by Zelle Studios through a profound impression of the customers of retailers as well as the costs incurred by the company to accomplish prolific marketing functions.


Fashion marketing is also profoundly associated with the concerns of pricing which is considered a major determinant of consumer behavior in the case of the fashion industry. According to theoretical research, pricing has been considered as a promising reflection of the company’s predictions related to supply, demand, government issues and terms, brand image, strategies, goals, and rivalry. As per Kandogan et al, Pricing is the dominant element in the marketing mix responsible for the generation of revenue as compared to the other elements which are responsible for involving expenses (Kandogan et al., 2014). The success of an enterprise in the market is not only dependent on the profound superiority of products but also on the efficiency of pricing strategies. Zelle Studios has been targeting a specific market of female customers that prefer high-quality and fancy clothes. However, the brand should also focus on the diverse customer base that could be addressed through lower pricing. The cost-effectiveness integrated into the pricing strategy of the client would enable the induction of efficiency in supply chain management which is further responsible for increasing the sophistication of the decision-making process.


The marketing mix of the fashion industry is also associated with the aspect of distribution or the place where customers could access the products. The specific distribution places that are found in the case of Zelle Studios refer to its website and its boutique. Marketing research as well as analysis of the existing status of the business plays a considerably significant role in determining the approach for future marketing strategy (Lee & Kim, 2015). The organization would provide its products in its boutique and specific products are put up for sale on the website. The decision-making process in the organization also comprises a selection of the products that have to be distributed online which enables the supply chain to estimate the availability of stock thereby contributing to the anticipation of the required production capacity. The distribution aspect in the case of Zelle Studios is also associated with the concerns of monitoring the shipment process for delivering products to customers alongside management of the handling process (Mintz & Currim, 2013).


The 5Ps of marketing mix about the fashion industry also involve references to people. The people aspect of the marketing mix refers to the determination of approaches to address the general public and address their inclinations for products of the brand. The people aspect of the marketing mix could be profoundly associated with the target market of the client company, Zelle Studio. The approach followed by the customer for dealing with its customers could be accounted as a major highlight of the people dimension in the marketing mix. Since the client would be explicitly associated with online sales, it would have to ensure that the customer relationships are adequately monitored and managed to prepare viable platforms for the effective promotion of the brand in the existing market environment.

Target Audience for Zelle will be from ages 28-40 years. Most will be businesswomen who love to travel and party. Even Zelle will target those who prefer simple patterns and natural comfortable wear.


The ultimate addition to the 5Ps of marketing could be observed in the form of promotion that can be emphasized on the online shop in the case of the client’s company. The competitiveness of the fashion industry in the UK is not only characterized by the presence of brands with effective reputations as global brands and unique management precedents for production, supply chains, and design (Kandogan et al., 2014). The ability of Zelle Studios to facilitate novel designs of apparel is a favorable contributor to the development of customer loyalty. Furthermore, it can also be observed that the client’s promotion should be oriented towards identification of the online marketing opportunities since the majority of customers in the fashion industry have depicted formidable preferences for acquiring product information from online sources. Therefore the launch and promotion package that can be presented for the case of Zelle Studios would have to be largely dependent on digital communication.

Launch and promotion package:

The recent years in the fashion industry have seen a major shift towards the digital hype which has encompassed several large brands also. The fashion industry has undergone major reform in terms of the impact of the internet on the reality of brands and strategies adopted by them for communication. The rules of marketing have also been associated with the profound changes that are imminent in contexts of customer participation, communication, and the novel standards of sociability. The prominent factors which have been responsible for the motivation of brands to focus on reforms in their marketing and communication strategies refer to the evolution of customers, the introduction of new technologies, social changes, and the democratization of fashion (Mintz & Currim, 2013). The identity of a brand on the online platform has become a major concern of fashion brands owing to its impact on the definition and development of a coherent and comprehensive strategy that is integrated with the business model, target audience, and types of products. Different departments should be inclined towards accomplishing a single objective to provide a formidable representation of the organization on the online platform. The launch package for the client website could comprise social media promotion, digital marketing, brand content management, and communications management. These aspects are profoundly associated with the concerns of digital communication to address a wider market environment with minimal investments (Kandogan et al., 2014).

Client feedback and response:

The suggestions for the marketing approach for the client were based on the anticipation of the marketing mix and the review of primary research about the brand and the marketing environment in the fashion industry. The feedback of clients was particularly directed towards including the concerns of point-of-sale marketing initiatives in the boutique of Zelle Studios to enable flexible marketing. Furthermore, the client’s feedback also included notable references to the exaggerated claims of low pricing in certain web content related to the client’s business (Hanssens et al., 2014). Another highlight of the client feedback was directed towards the concerns of potential changes that could be introduced in terms of flexibility of the website interface and making it more dynamic. The response to the client feedback could be ensured on the grounds of the validity of client feedback and its relevance to the marketing approach of Zelle Studios.


The report presented a coherent representation of the outcomes obtained from primary market research for the concerned case study organization i.e. Zelle Studios. The report emphasized explicitly the particular implications of brand analysis, market environment analysis, and the determination of the marketing mix for the organization. The review of the distinct elements of the report was responsible for providing viable recommendations for reforms in the marketing mix of the case study organization. Furthermore, the suggestions for the launch and promotion package for the concerned client’s organization as well as the highlighting of client feedback and relevant responses could also be assumed as prominent highlights of the report.


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