HRM 20018 Employment Relations Sample


A strong applicable business strategy helps an organization to establish a direction for them, that helps, in making wise business decisions. The essay topic will focus on five primary business strategy developments tool available and adopted in the industry and explain how they are implemented in their corresponding fields. later, five strategies have been chosen for organizations, which are PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, SWOT,  Porter’s Generic Strategy, and Ansoff Matrix, The application of these tools will allow the organizations to gain ascendency in the competitive market. 


The following section will focus on explaining each tool of market strategy and its merits and demerits. The application of those tools to the similar companies will depict the understanding of the organization of that tool.

TOOL 1: SWOT analysis

The chosen theory for analysis is SWOT.  Refer to Appendix 1

Theory Review

The theory imposes some significant benefits for the organization such as it is extremely low on cost tool and anyone who has a vast knowledge of an organization can perform a SWOT analysis. The examination focus on the most critical aspects of the business, which can affect it as it addresses the weakness of the organizations on which the organization can improve and capitalize on the opportunity quadrant. but, a SWOT examine cannot describe a detailed explanation of complex scenarios such as it can only define those options, which properly falls into strengths or weakness but is not able to address a two-side factor where one point can be both weakness and strength. 

Application of Tool 

Woolworths Limited has been chosen as the company upon which SWOT analysis will be done as depicted below:

Strengths Weakness
  • One of the oldest and high brand value retail market chain in Australia
  • Highly committed towards sustainability and environment
  • A vast number of products and service
  • Diverse workforce
  • A late entry in the online retail market
  • Government restriction on high pricing the products in collaboration with COLES
Opportunities Threats
  • Promising massive growth in the retail sector
  • Usage of social media for engaging consumers
  • Better promotion opportunities to get back the top spot in the market
  • Aldi’s aggressive expansion
  • Australian online retail growing slowly
    Loss of customers in FY14


TOOL 2: PESTEL analysis

The chosen theory for analysis is PESTEL. Referto Appendix 2

Theory Review

PESTEL analysis gives a very easy framework to understand the situation . It involves cross-functional expertise in order to chalk out the external environment and assist the management in reducing the impact of possible threats in the existing environment as well as in a new one in case of expanding the business. On the contrary, the analysis is not applicable in the long term as the variables might change in the marketplace(Salar and Salar, 2014).

Application of Tool 

Spark Furniture has been chosen as the company upon which PESTEL analysis will be done as depicted below:

Political Economic
  • An increase in a VAT of 20% forced the brand to cut down the prices, making less profit
  • Change in Labour Policy
  • A rise in the interest rate due to inflation might affect the supply chain
  • The organization has sold at the lowest price possible to avoid uncertain situations due to having a loan from the government of £150,000.00
Social Technological
  • Population Growth
  • Global warming
  • Cultural norms affected effective labor agreement caused labor strike
  • the new types of equipment used have expanded productivity to meet consumers need
  • Online shopping applications get to reach consumers
Legal Environmental
  • the organization may affect by the change in labor law. 
  • Changes in product standard law can affect the cost 
  • Focusing on furniture reusability
  • Adoption of Environmental disposal green transport
  • Recycling of unusable products


TOOL 3: Porte’s five forces

Theory Review

Porter’s five forces mark the primary five variables which define the competition in the industry and understanding these five factors can help an organization to take a careful measurement and take competitive advantages as well. But, the theory only gives a snapshot of the current market situation, which needs to be continuously updated. Avoiding this factor will lead to the data being obsolete as the market in the contemporary era is highly fluctuating, and very few factors are now represented statically.

Application of Tool 

Bosch Australia Limited has been chosen as the company upon which Porter’s five forces examine will be done as represented below

This examination observes the five factors as mentioned below:

Supplier power of Bosch Suppliers: 

  • Usage of more than 500 suppliers makes all of them effectively expendables
  • the manufactured of physical products in third world countries provides less leverage to bargain

Competitive rivalry facing Bosch:

  • A considerable amount of competition from Hitachi and KitchenAid
  • A various product portfolio helped the organization to stay ached in the competition

The threat of new entrance of Bosch:

  • The low threat for new market entry as the industry is saturated and dominated by wealthy organizations

The threat of substitution of Bosch:

  • Low threat of exchange because of the various business portfolio which operates in home appliances and car components

Buyer power of Bosch:

  • Less capacity for consumers to bargain as they have to use some device based services
  • the Competition in the current market provides consumers with bargaining the price with different companies

TOOL 4: Ansoff Matrix

The chosen theory for examination is the Ansoff Matrix. define to Appendix 4

Theory Review

Ansoff matrix forces the business planners to measure the expected risks involved in a particular direction and lays out possible growth strategies. These strategies assist the organization to build its aims and objectives to be presented to the stakeholders.

However, the theory fails to suggest the changes required in a diverse strategy because this is only a theoretical model. Ansoff matrix does not take into account the outward competitors because of that, accurate predictions are missing from the theory

Application of Tool 

Coca-cola has been chosen as the company upon which Ansoff matrix analysis will be done as depicted below

  • Market penetration: This includes an attempt to increase the market share within the existing marketplace by selling a new product to the consumers or finding new consumers which Coca-cola has done with the help of promotion element of the marketing mix
  • Product development: This part includes creating a new product to meet the need of the consumers of the existing marketplace  such as the new products introduced by Coca-cola over the years
  • Market Development: This stage includes developing a new group of buyers in order to sell an existing product. The example would be the release of Cock Zero in 2005. The product was the same as Diet Coke(Teigeler and Hahne,2014). Diversification: This includes the introduction of a new category product in existing portfolio which Coca-cola has done over the years


TOOL 5: Porter’s Generic Strategies:

theory for examination is Porter’s Generic Strategies. Refer to Appendix 5

Theory Review

This strategy enables the company mainly to focus on its cost leadership which not only helps it to reduce the total expenditure but also allows it to set a margin so that it can keep a competitive price of the product in case there is a price war in the market. Even if this is not the situation, the company can still keep the same price and make a profit which allows it to work in a proper way.

Application of Tool 

Here, Jet2 Holidays has been chosen as it has used the theory and has earned profit as well. With the help of this theory, the company has been able to calculate the unnecessary costs that are associated with the production. Along with this the managers or the senior staffs only travel in economy class and not in business class, as this is an additional expense for the company and it does not add to the profit in anyways. The company has designed its product in such a way that it suits the consumers’ usage and avoids any unnecessary advertisement or product design. With the help of these strategies, Jet2 Holidays is able to save a lot on its expenses which add to the profit of the company.


it can fastly be included that business strategies have vital importance in order to build the vision and mission of the organization also avoid risk to make it a long-term organization. The main four strategies, which have been discussed in the essay, depict versatility and cover the entire aspect of industrial strategies. The application of these four strategies in the organization from different industries depicts the various benefits and demerits of the theories.


Darroch, J., 2014. Ansoff’s Growth Matrix—In Detail. In Why Marketing to Women Doesn’t Work (pp. 131-147). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Jiang, R., Mao, C., Hou, L., Wu, C. and Tan, J., 2018. A SWOT analysis for promoting off-site construction under the backdrop of China’s new urbanisation. Journal of Cleaner Production173, pp.225-234.

Matt, C., Hess, T. and Benlian, A., 2015.Digital transformation strategies. Business & Information Systems Engineering57(5), pp.339-343.

Rothaermel, F.T., 2015. Strategic management.McGraw-Hill Education.

Salar, M. and Salar, O., 2014. Determining pros and cons of franchising by using swot analysis. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences122, pp.515-519.

Tansey, P., Spillane, J.P. and Meng, X., 2014. Linking response strategies adopted by construction firms during the 2007 economic recession to Porter’s generic strategies. Construction management and economics32(7-8), pp.705-724.

Teigeler, J. and Hahne, A.K., 2014. Market Analysis of Red Bull based on the countries Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

Vaiarelli, A., Cimadomo, D., Trabucco, E., Vallefuoco, R., Buffo, L., Dusi, L., Fiorini, F., Barnocchi, N., Bulletti, F.M., Rienzi, L. and Ubaldi, F.M., 2018. Double stimulation in the same ovarian cycle (DuoStim) to maximize the number of oocytes retrieved from poor prognosis patients: a multicentre experience and SWOT analysis. Frontiers in Endocrinology9, p.317.



Appendix 1:

SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis takes place when an organization looks into the company’s internal issues in order to rectify those and make the most out of the opportunities. The four quadrants of this analysis evaluate the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats of the organization.  

 Individual Assignment

Figure: SWOT analysis

      Source: (Vaiarelli et al. 2018)

Appendix 2:

PESTEL analysis: PESTEL analysis gives an organization a bird’s eye view of a particular environment where the organization is situated or trying to expand. The expanded form of PESTEL denotes P as Political, E as Economic, S for Social, T for Technological, L for Legal and E for Environmental factors. Thus, it can be said that this analysis covers the six critical external aspects that can affect an organization.

Figure: PESTEL analysis

        Sources: As created by author

Appendix 3:

Porter’s Five Forces: Porter’s five forces are used to analyze the industry structure, and corporate strategy of an organization is needed to be evaluated. The five forces are used in order to calculate the competitive intensity and profitability. The five factors are competition in the industry, the potential of the new entrance in industry, powers of suppliers, customer power and the threat of substitute products. 

 Individual Assignment

Figure: Porter’s Five Forces

          Sources: (Rothaermel, 2015)

Appendix 4:

Ansoff matrix: Ansoff matrix suggests whether a business should grow depending on the same product in a new market or new products in the same market. This matrix suggests different growth strategies to choose from in order to grow. Each strategy suggests different directions for the organization such as Market penetration, Market development, Product development, and Diversification.


Figure: Ansoff matrix

Source: (Darroch, 2014)

 Individual Assignment
Appendix 5:

Porter’s Generic strategies: Michael Porter developed a set of three strategies that a company could use in order to get competitive advantages. The three strategies are cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. The theory suggests keeping the price of the product the same while minimizing the production cost from every segment of a company. After that, the profit margin will get high which will provide sustainability to the company in case of a price war. Differentiation strategy suggests that an organization should have a varied list of the product portfolio in order to address the need of the consumers. Focus strategy depicts concentrating on a narrow segment of the targeted market and fulfilling their needs and surviving by focusing on that entirely.

Figure: Porter’s Generic Strategy

Source: (Tansey, Spillane and Meng, 2014)