Strategic Information System

There are several forms of communication skills, including non-verbal cues and verbal cues. Nonverbal communication includes, for instance, eye contact and hand gestures. It is used by nearly all people daily. This sort of communication can rival or even outperform written and vocal techniques when communicating information. It occurs in various situations and interviews for jobs, one-on-one interactions, and presentations or conferences.

Non-verbal communication is very vital in all interactions. In dialogs, nonverbal communication is crucial. Having a deeper understanding of coworkers, managers, and bosses will help someone perform better at their job. To guarantee that what they’re saying is understood, they should use nonverbal communication tactics to supplement their verbal and textual communication efforts (Bambaeeroo & Shokrpour, 2017). This form of communication is also vital since it helps to create strong relationships with colleagues. They allow people to show their interest and concern in what people are saying and exhibit compassion and understanding when attentively listening to someone else conversation. Nonverbal communication skills are vital in almost every role and can help someone accomplish their career through communication.

It is possible to improve nonverbal communication by maintaining eye contact. While talking to people, a person should keep eye contact fixed with the other partner. Direct eye contact demonstrates engagement about what the other person is expressing. One should Make eye contact with their audience if they have to give a presentation at work (Sutiyatno, 2018). It shows that they are comfortable with what they are saying. People can encourage others to interact with them by maintaining eye contact with them. People should Be careful not to turn their efforts at nonverbal into a relentless gaze; moderation is key. Besides, it can also be improved through proper facial expressions (Alokla, 2018). The facial expressions communicate someone’s feelings. In general, facial expressions convey the same message regardless of cultural context. A person who frowns is likely to be upset. People should Make eye contact with the other person and smile if it is acceptable for the situation. This indicates to others that they are in a good mood or feeling upbeat. People feel more at ease when they are in a warm and welcoming environment. There are many ways to express oneself through the face. Whenever a smile isn’t required, people need to be careful of their expression. It’s important to show that they’re paying attention to what’s going on around them.


Alokla, S. (2018). Non-verbal communication skills of children with an autism spectrum disorder.

Bambaeeroo, F., & Shokrpour, N. (2017). The impact of the teachers’ non-verbal communication on success in teaching. Journal of advances in medical education & professionalism5(2), 51.

Sutiyatno, S. (2018). The effect of teacher’s verbal communication and non-verbal communication on students’ English achievement. Journal of Language Teaching and Research9(2), 430-437.