ASS134-3 - Health Services Planning and Management Assignment Help

Part A

Question One

Various environmental influences, including globalization, government policies, and economic challenges, cause numerous effects on an organization. With the current tremendous advancement in technology and the expansion of business operations to the global arena, globalization has emerged as a significant environmental influence affecting organizations positively and negatively. The positive impact of globalization includes increased revenue collection due to expanded market space and cheap labor rates. On the other hand, some of the negative effects of globalization include increased management burden as organizations aim at adhering to various regulations imposed in different countries to sustain numerous business operations. The establishment of equal laws for international employees and businesses will help solve globalization’s negative impacts.

 Government policy is another environmental influence that affects an organization. In many circumstances, policies imposed by the government significantly affect an organization’s business operations. Some policies help in preventing the production and sale of contrabands and fake goods. However, a few government policies negatively affect organizations.  For instance, for many decades, cigarette companies have been barred from advertising their products on radios and televisions. Governments and health ministries also require the manufacturers to put warning labels on the products’ packaging, discouraging smokers from using cigarettes, thus limiting customers’ volume. Furthermore, smokers have few areas where they are allowed to smoke, hence lowering the number of smokers with a corresponding impact on the industry’s revenue. Implementation of a law allowing all manufacturers to have equal advertising rights will help address cigarette manufacturers’ challenges.



 Additionally, economic challenges are an overarching environmental influence that affects an organization. Various economic challenges such as inflation, lack of required skills, and high unemployment levels directly affect an organization, leading to numerous operational challenges. An effective strategy for addressing the economic challenges is for the organization to be cost-conscious in managing the human resource and its related capital. 

Question Two

Job Description: Accountant

The employee in this position will work under the supervision of the accounting manager and will be responsible for verifying all payments made in the organization, balancing the received cash and payment, and finalizing all bank reconciliations. At the financial year’s end, the employee will be required to compile the annual organization’s accounting report to help the organization’s management conduct an effective analysis about its financial goals. To qualify for the accounting position, an accounting degree is required and relevant working experience of at least two years in a similar field. Additionally, the prospective candidate for this position should possess deep knowledge in Microsoft office and accounting related software

Each new staff must participate in the training program. The training starts with orientation. The purpose of orientation is to introduce the employees to the organization. The employees will be introduced to the various departments in the organization. The organization’s mission, vision, and code of conduct are also explained to the new staff during orientation. Each new staff will be provided with a document containing the company’s mission, vision, and code of conduct for familiarization at the employee’s convenient time.

Later, each employee will be assigned to a supervisor. The supervisors will be responsible for ensuring that the employee understands their roles, duties, and company’s expectation. The job training will last for three days with close supervision by an experienced staff to ensure that the new employee fits and adapt to the new working environment. After the training is over, the new employees will be given a working area and a computer to officially assume the actual duties as illustrated in the job description. However, to achieve the best result from the employees, there will be close supervision and follow-up by the supervisor for at least one month to enable employees understand their roles well and adapt to the new working environment without struggle.

Part B

Question One

In establishing the salary scale for the employees, the company needs to develop a wage tier for staffs in different and similar job classification. This is vital in creating a compensation approach for individuals working on different or similar duties in the organization.

The table below illustrates a multi-tiered basic pay approach for the secretary, graphic designer, sales representative, and office coordinator.



Secretary   Graphic Designer Sales Representative Office Coordinator
Basic  Pay Per


$ 5000 $ 3500 $2800 $5500


Based on the above table, the compensation considered for the four-level of employees is the basic salary. The development of the compensation approach considered each employee’s position before concluding on their monthly payments. There are various criteria utilized while deciding the compensation of each employee hired in the advertising agency. The magnitude of employee responsibilities is a crucial determinant for their wage. In this scenario, an office coordinator will get the highest compensation because the position has more significant duties. The working experience duration is another criterion used to determine payment. Typically, employees joining at the entry-level will earn much less than an employee joining an organization at the middle level. The employee’s compensation is also determined based on the nature of employment; permanent or temporary. Usually, employees hired on permanent terms earn more than individuals engaged under contract. Finally, an employee’s level of education is also a significant factor considered when deciding on employee compensation. Staff with a higher level of education have bigger chances of earning more than diploma holders or casual laborers.

Question Two 

 The multi-tiered compensation strategies are picked based on compensation research by Cappeli and Sherer, particularly in the low and high-tier workers. Typically, based on permanent and temporary tiers, employees on an interim tier can move up to a higher wage tier over a certain period. The one thing I like about this approach of providing wage is because it offers motivation and encouragement to the employees to keep working hard, learn new skills, and develop with the organization due to the impending rewards. Further this type of approach work for all position in every organization. The approach can work for new employees by placing a less experienced worker on a lower tier and those with more experience on a higher tier even if the employees are handling similar roles and responsibilities. For example, in the case of two secretaries with similar duties, the one with many years of working experience will be rewarded with higher compensation. While using the wage tier based on permanent or temporary employment terms, employees will be able to get to the level of other employees within a certain period of time after proving their capability of executing specific duties.