Young Children's Development Sample


The primary purpose of this assessment is to assist you to develop skills in the use of change processes and
management theories and models in the analysis of a business situation that has organisation and structural change and development concerns. The assignment requires you to analyse the current situation, and suggest practical and probable solutions. The secondary purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to apply your research, analysis, critical thinking and written communication skills, particularly the ability to write an organisational analysis report.


A organisation for analysis will be provided on Moodle; there will be several questions to answer in relation to the organisation. The focus of the organisational analysis will be relevant to Topics Six to 12. You are to analyse the organisation in a report that is not more than 2000 words in length (+/- 10%). You must use a minimum of 12-16 academic resources.

The case study

Organisation:  B.R. Richardson Timber Products Corporation

Case Study 6 in your text book (Waddell, Creed, Cumming& Worley).

Your organisational report should address the following questions:

  1. Identify the presenting issue/s at B.R. Richardson Timber Products Corporation in relation to organisational development and change, and analyse the impact on parts of the business, such as its people and processes, strategy and structure. Use evidence to support your argument.
  2. Discuss some interventions that are available to B.R. Richardson Timber Products Corporation to resolve the issues identified in Question 1.
  3. Select one intervention and explain why this strategy is the most appropriate to implement. Here you may refer aspects such as people and processes, strategy and structure, and/or organisation transformation.
  4. Discuss the actions that you believe necessary to implement the recommended strategy successfully.

Each question relates to the marking assessment criteria that are available in your e-unit profiles and in the marking rubric (Moodle).