CORE 1010: Essay Writing

Essays need to address the task in an appropriate academic fashion, i.e. your arguments need to be based on theoretical evidence and actually answer the question. If you fail to answer the question in your essay you will fail the entire essay even though your essay might have touched upon the subject (follow the Marking Criteria, module handbook Page 12).

Once your work has been uploaded to Turnitin, it reports back to academic staff as to the extent of any unoriginal material and your tutor will mark your essay online. Feedback to students will normally be provided within 15 working days of the published coursework component submission date.

– You need to submit your essay by uploading it onto MyLearning ‘Turnitin online assessment’ on Week 11
– Choose only one of the two essay questions (see module handbook p.9)
– Put your name and student number
– Deviation from word limit (1,500 words) is accepted at level of +/-10%
– Use font Times New Roman/Arial, size 12, line spacing 1.5, justified alignment

Some important information:

– You must cite at least 10 academic references (preferably journal articles, textbooks). Do not cite Wikipedia.
– Provide a full bibliography (references) at the end of your essay.
– Your turnitin similarity score should be equal to or less than 30%. If your score is higher than 30, you will be penalised for plagiarism.

Some important tips:

– For essay question 1 (Aravind hospital case),

you need to include a brief discussion about the role of the founder of Aravind hospital. You also need to discuss the phenomenon of McDonaldization and in what ways the Aravind hospital used this strategy to boost its efficiency, what did they do etc. Definition of McDonaldization should be included in your essay. You need to demonstrate critical thinking skills in your essay as well (a brief discussion of the criticisms of McDonaldization, problems with it etc.).

– For essay question 2 (personality and job performance),

you need to include the definitions of both personality and employee performance in your introduction. Based on your argument, you should cite studies that claim that personality predicts employee performance and studies that claim the opposite. You should conclude your essay with a summary and opinion (whether personality predicts employee performance or not) based on previous research (studies that claim that personality predicts employee performance, and studies that claim the opposite).

I held extra office hours on Week 10 and the only available time for students to see me before the essay submission is my office hours on Monday April 9th, from 1 to 3pm, at W131. If you bring your 1-pager essay draft, I can provide feedback during the office hours. I won't be able to provide essay feedback via email.