Managing Knowledge and Information Systems Assignment Help

What Is A Bibliography?

The bibliography is a term that we use to list the sources used to write a document. This can also called a reference list. For each assignment, we take help from different sources.  A Bibliography carry the list of those sources in order.

A Bibliography can be used to list books, websites, journals, URLs, and so much more. Apart from mentioning the sources, the other intention of writing a Bibliography is to ignore plagiarized work. Not giving credits to original works can lead to copyright problems.

Writing a Bibliography is a tough task for students which needs to be done for almost every assignment. In addition, managing, listing, and rectifying the correct sources can be burdensome.

At take sole responsibility for decreasing the pressure on students by helping them with bibliography writing. We have experts who understand how to write a Bibliography of different-different styles.

What are the various bibliography style?

In addition to structuring the bibliography perfectly, depending on whether your source is a magazine, webpage, book, or newspaper, you have to find out what bibliography style is needed.

Many courses tutors will ask for a particular referencing style. This means that you simply show your source information in a different-different order. Here are four main styles which you might to be asked about: APA, MHRA, MLA, and Harvard, or the chosen style will change your order of reference.

·         MRL reference order

  • Author’s full name
  • Title of the book
  • Publication book
  • Book publisher name
  • Publication date

·         Harvard/APA reference order

  • When using Harvard style, title your bibliography as ‘references’
  • Author’s last name
  • Author’s first initial
  • Date of publication(in brackets)
  • Title of the  Book
  • Place of publication
  • Name of the book publisher

·         MHRA reference order

  • Author’s first and last name
  • The title of the book
  • Book publisher name
  • Date of publication

What should you involve in a bibliography?

We recommend compiling your bibliography as you study. Whether or not you directly reference sources, if you use them as a part of your studies, they should be included. By collecting this information and building your bibliography as you go, you will find it far less stressful and one less thing to worry about.

·         Information required for referencing printed sources

  • The author name
  • The article or publication title
  • Publication date
  • The company publishing name
  • Number of pages in the book where the citation can be found
  • While you are referencing a printed encyclopedia or magazine, record the volume number

·         Information required for referencing web sources

  • Author and editor name
  • Title of the webpage
  • The company which created the webpage
  • The URL of the piece
  • Last date when you visited the webpage

·         Where to find this information

The information you need to add in your bibliography will be located in various places, which can be pretty annoying, specifically if you have left your referencing to the last minute. But, there are some particular places where this information is likely to be found.

  • The contents page
  • The first, second, and editorial page
  • The header or the footer in the webpage
  • The website content and page

Difference between a Reference List and a Bibliography?

Some students have an idea thinking that bibliographies and reference lists both are the same. But there is a difference in both, which is not known to many.

Reference List

A reference list consists only of information regarding the source which used in the paper. This involves only the citations that are directly involved in the paper. For instance, it can be URLs, author’s name, etc.


On the other hand, the Bibliography consists of all the related information linked with the source same to the context. It also talks about another piece of the author.

If you are still confused about the difference between a bibliography or reference list, then you can consult our team for advice and services.

How to write a bibliography?

Whatever the style you need for your bibliography, there are a few easy rules to follow;

  • Collect the citation information
  • All citations must be alphabetically using the author’s last name( but if you are using MRHA style use the author’s first name)
  •  If you can’t source the author’s name, alphabetically use the article or book title.
  • All the information must be listed in exactly the same manner.
  • Every source should start on a new line.
  • Bibliographies should be placed at the assignment end.

If you are confused about how to write the bibliography, get in touch with our experts.

Different Kinds of Bibliographies

A Bibliography may seem like one word, but it has many styles of listing. Here are some of the commonly used types of Bibliography:

Enumerative Bibliography

An enumerative bibliography is a style which follows the principle of easy and short. Therefore the listing is kept restricted to the author’s name, title, and year of publication. This is mainly used by students when writing a Bibliography It keeps the matters straight and concise to point.

Analytical Bibliography

Analytical Bibliography is a detailed Bibliography where most of the information related to the source is listed. These include information about the book’s publication source, place of publication, booksellers, printer used, a manuscript from that it is evolved, etc.






Annotated Bibliography

Annotated bibliography involves the listing of articles and books and documents written by the author. It mentions the author’s work related to the subject in an organized manner. Every citation is followed by a described detail of the work done by the writer whose work is taken as inspiration. This is the lengthiest Bibliography out of all.

So, if you are having any struggles and do not know how to write a Bibliography, or do not want to mess it up, hire our experts from to do the job for you.

Why Do Students Choose

We know that completing lengthy and tough assignments and writing a Bibliography for them can be time-consuming. With this blog, you can finally learn how to write a Bibliography, and often time students have difficulty doing it right the first time. Due to this, we offer original and unique perks to our fellow students. Some of them are:

  • Assistance from specialized subject experts
  • Global help serving everywhere
  • High-quality paper with extensive research
  • Authentic citation with no plagiarism guaranteed
  • Free revisions for changes in a Bibliography without any extra cost
  • 24/7 customer assistance
  • Affordable rates with discounts and deals.

If all this sounds exciting and you don’t want to risk your grades, avail our assistance to achieve high grades.