Assessment Item 2 Business Proposal Help

 What is dissertation

A dissertation is a written document that concludes research. This is the final step of PhD. As well as, the high point of students’ doctoral studies. The dissertation is frequently a compilation of academic and practical knowledge, as well as many cases, it can be the Student’s first publication. 

Sometimes it is known as a thesis. A dissertation is a research project completed as a part of a postgraduate and undergraduate degree. It allows students to present their finding response to a question or proposition that they choose themselves. 

A Dissertation introduction makes your presentation more effective, so here I am sharing some of the points that you can consider while writing a dissertation Introduction.

Why you should write an effective dissertation introduction

A perfect dissertation introduction helps you to get higher marks. The reason you need a perfect Introduction is that firstly you do get some marks for introduction, as well as you can prime your Professor for high marks.  

For many students writing an introduction is the scariest part. At this part, most of your research should be done and you should be ready to start the introduction. If you feel stuck in this part and do not know how to start the introduction, then the given points may help you to write a good dissertation introduction.

How to write an effective dissertation Introduction 

  • Planning

Before writing any introduction write down the main key terms or main points roughly which are the main highlights of your introduction. It is also important to consider the dissertation guideline from your institutions, which will tell you the requirement of your content.  

  • Identify your readership

Before you start your first sentence, think about the question of who is the reader. The first reader is your professor who is grading your work and the people responsible for your diploma. You should also think about the readers who are not specialists in this field. Writing with them in your mind will help you to be clear which will make your dissertation better understandable. So, Keep in mind the readers, While writing your introduction.

  • Relevant background

A solid introduction also needs enough background to allow the readers to understand the dissertation’s arguments or statement. The amount of background information depends on the topic. While writing the background section there are two common mistakes that are most commonly found in students writing, there should be enough understanding information so you don’t have to spend too much time with the body of the dissertation, however not so much that it becomes monotonous.  So, keep your dissertation introduction precise and specific.      

  • Grab and hook the reader attention

The first sentence of the paper is tough. Look back at your own research, how many papers you skip because the first few sentences couldn’t grab your attention. It is good to start with a quotation or question, but its hooks are now overused. The best way to start the introduction is with the broad interest and into your arguments. Make the points of what is interesting about your topic. If there are any current relates to or controversies associated with it this might be interesting for your introduction.   

  • Use Wikipedia But Do Not Reference It as a Source

Your professor is not going to accept a post from Wikipedia in any part of your dissertation, even if you briefly mention it in your introduction. However, you can look at this point that Wikipedia has made and then find the sources at the bottom and add this to your dissertation. In addition, those sources may lead you to other sources that look perfect in your dissertation.

  • Give the general idea about the topic 

Let the reader know what is the purpose of your topic is. Make sure to add given points –

  • Concisely describe the motivation of your research.
  • Describe the topic and the scope of your research.
  • Define the scientific situation related to the topic – you can add the most important scientific article and explain to them how they are related to your research. 
  • Make a rough draft

Don’t concentrate on the introduction too much at the starting. When you finish your dissertation, you can go back and write the introduction again. There is no point in spending too much time on your introduction because you are going to change it when you have finished it. So firstly, write a rough draft then rewrite at the end.


The first impression is the last impression so you can follow all the above points to make your dissertation introduction more impressive and effective.