Video Essay Assessment Task

The world is going digital, and along with it, mobile phones are becoming an essential tool in digitalization. Mobile applications are developed each day to ease people’s work to have to go to stores and make a queue to line up in banks or health facilities. Parking sometimes can be a bit of a task, and this is why my team and I developed the Easy Park app to ease parking problems for most people. We need to launch it, but we have to understand why you have to launch an app and the process.

First, launching an app helps solve a problem like, in this case, the Easy Park app is meant to solve parking issues in Ireland. Second, it helps you know that your target audience will love your app, especially if they are tech-savvy and love browsing the internet (Brown, 2017; p.1). Third, you will know what will keep your clients coming back to the app to access more accessible parking. Therefore, having the reasons to launch an app, there is a process of establishing the app which people need to understand.

When launching an app, you need to conduct market research and know-how your competitors’ apps are doing in the market. Second, test the app with real users, which helps validate your app and avoid future expensive errors (Holstein, 2019; p.141). Engage in in-app analytics and provide an in-app feedback channel. Next, conduct beta testing to enable you to get real-world experience on how well your app will perform with real users. Afterward, set a launch date, develop a marketing plan, and create a web landing page (Holstein, 2019; p.142). Lastly, extend your network, promote your app on social media, and do not forget to create promotional videos and localize your app by ensuring that a given country, language, and culture are supported because apps are meant to be an international thing, not just within your state.


Brown R. (2017). 6 Reasons Why You Should Launch a Mobile App for your Business and 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t. Person Sea. Retrieved from: Accessed on November 9, 2020

Holstein, M. (2019). Pre-Launch Marketing. iPhone App Design for Entrepreneurs. Pp. 141-142