The novel coronavirus pandemic has affected the entire world greatly with many unthinkable changes. Many countries are under complete national lockdown and all the workforce and students are made to work and study from home. The UK, like any other country, is also susceptible to the deadly virus attack and followed a national lockdown for a long time now.

The closure of schools and universities has imposed great stress on parents and students in order to adapt to the sudden lifestyle change and also to the different study format introduced because of it.

Some of the difficulties that have been thrust upon the parents and students due to the outbreak are listed below.

Complications present in virtual classrooms

Although, students can learn from the comfort of their homes now, the online method of learning imposed after the lockdown has been stressing the students to learn on their own without direct contact with teachers or a professor’s guidance. Students are facing a lot of communication problems as the university faculties are also overwhelmed with questions to be answered.

The downfall of the economy

The overall economic status of the nation has fallen really low due to the pandemic. A lot of students and the working population have lost their part-time and full-time jobs as a result of this. Students take up part-time jobs to support themselves for their cost of living expenses. Their rental income is also based on these jobs. They have now lost their income as most of the companies, restaurants, and malls have been closed under the instructions from the government.

Limitations imposed on traveling

Travel constraints have been applied to domestic and international flights, trains have seized their schedules, and bus facilities are nowhere to be seen. The government has enforced strict laws to control the over speeding spread of the virus by restricting the movement of people from one place to another. 

This has significantly raised a question for international students’ dreams who were preparing themselves to pursue their education in the UK this year. Visa processing is stunted for many and the application processing in universities has seen a halt due to the doubt prevailing on travel restrictions.

Calling off the exams 

The UK government has canceled most of the exams for schools and universities that were about to be held this summer term. All the GCSE, AS and A level exams were canceled and the students will be provided with calculated grade score by the schools and universities taking into account the assignments, essays and mock test results, after this massive outbreak of coronavirus affecting millions of people and putting millions of people’s lives at risk.

Hurdles faced by international students 

A lot of international students are held up with admissions into their desired programs, getting the loans to fund their studies, and also in the processing of visa applications. These are not the only issues they are facing. The examinations necessary to pursue education abroad have also been affected. Exams like GRE, IELTS, GMAT, TOEFL, and other exams for which the students were set to write the exams on the fixed dates, have also been postponed to later dates and this in turn delays their application processing.

Students must be in constant awareness with the announcements made in the official websites for these tests and fix a new date accordingly.

Encouraging the staffs who are working from home

The schools and universities boards must support their staffs and faculties more in times like these. They must help them with setting up new accounts to access student assignments and marks records from home, a system to track students’ progress, and also help them with any technical issues prevailing throughout this experience.

Remotely connecting with students can also affect the understanding level a student has acquired from the lectures on that particular subject. So, universities can help professors to upload class lecture videos, notes, materials, and textbooks for better knowledge gaining. 

A contact form can be created for the students to fill up any queries they have, to better understand what issues the students are facing and can act as soon as possible to solve those problems. 

Reopening of schools and universities

The government of UK has announced to reopen a few schools and universities in England from 1st June 2020 by following with strict safety precautions as per the standards fixed by the health department. After a few backlashes expressed, the education secretary has finally announced this decision. 


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