MAE201 – Competition and Industry

Immigration enforcement does not support the civil rights of immigrants, but rather it infringes on their rights. Immigration enforcement has resulted in discrimination, racism and stereotyping (Pious 1). Therefore, violating the rights of immigrants. The global human rights affirm that no one can be arrested for solely being an illegal presence. However, U.S. federal policies have promoted violations of these rights through protection which has led a lot of killing in the border and also the denial of due process rights. This immigration enforcement is associated
will a lot of corruption in CBP.

Part 2: Economic effects

Migration has both negative and positive impact on the economy depending on a country. Migration mostly affects the developing countries since they loss skilled human resources to developed countries (Globalization101 1). Foreign labor benefits it and it has positively impacted the economy of the United States. For instance, the U.S receives skilled workforce who positively boost the economy. The immigrants provide labor at cheaper wage by fills the low revenue jobs and have low cost labor. The immigrant’s laborers have some little influence on salaries.
Part 3: Cultural Effects: Historical Cultural Effect of Migration Mental issues are surrounding the cultural effects of migration. Historically, many immigrants have suffered from fear and distrust which fueled the creation of political parties of immigrants popular referred as “anti-immigrant political parties” in many developed countries

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such as U.S., Brazil and Argentina among others. Many of these parties deal with social issues of immigrants such as joblessness and crime. Q4. Identify The Impacts of Rapid Populace Growth On Aspects of Life Such as Political Aspect, Econo ic and Social Dimension in The Past Two Hundred Year The consequences attributed to rapid populace growth on these aspects of life are broader and complex. Politically, new government forms have been formed that promotes democracy hence outdoing the traditional ways of leadership. The social perspective of life has entirely been reshaped to encourage diversity in socialization interaction. Population growth has resulted in the
emergency of large cities whereby business activities take place while maximizing scarce resources to promote economic growth and commerce.

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Works Cited

Globalization101.”Cultural Effects of Migration | Globalization101″. Globalization101.Org, 2020, Accessed 2 Nov 2020.

Globalization101. “Economic Effects of Migration | Globalization101″. Globalization101.Org, 2020, Pious, Richard M. The War On Terrorism and The Rule of Law. Roxbury Pub. Co., 2006.