Comparative Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Please read through the following case study. Reflect on your learning and your own research
within this unit. Prepare a response that responds to each of the issues presented below. Your
responses must reflect your knowledge, skills, and application for this unit.

Case study 1
Detail the process that you would take to prepare used items on an instrument tray containing
used non-critical, critical, and semi-critical items for sterilisation. List your procedure from
contaminated tray to readiness for sterilising. Include in your response any requirements for safe
disposal of waste, use of correct bins for some items, and PPE requirements for yourself.

Case study 2
You have been asked to provide instruction on sterilisation processes at your dental surgery to a
newly employed dental assistant. Included is how to load and unload the steam steriliser and the
importance of monitoring and recording the sterilisation. In your own words, describe your
sterilisation processes.

Case study 3
In order to maintain effective operation, washing, and sterilisation, equipment requires regular
cleaning and maintenance that meets both manufacturer recommendations and Australian
standards. Describe the daily, weekly, monthly, and ‘as scheduled’ maintenance procedures that
should be undertaken for maintaining a steriliser. In your response, include the different testing
methods used and the importance of ensuring quality assurance of sterilisation equipment.

Quality outcomes
Ensure the following for your submission:
i) It is grammatically correct
ii) It is error-free
iii) It is written in simple English
iv) It comprises of an average of 15 words for each sentence
v) There are separate paragraphs for each new content/topic or discussions. Include references to relevant legislation, which must be defined
Attach any models, tools, or resources that could be used in an organisation to improve the case study situations presented.

Tip: Read all text aloud in order to identify any gaps and correct them. Ask another person to proof read your work in order to check for accuracy before you submit.

A minimum of 1,000 words is required (attachments are not to be included in word count).

Writing strategies and actions for future improvements
A case study is designed for you to demonstrate your skills in reading, accurately interpreting and providing workable responses and strategies.
Check that your responses provide:

  1. Identification and clarification of the key issues. Discuss and provide some suggestions as to what has caused these
  2. Key facts and information that is relevant and demonstrates your ability to provide solutions
  3. Templates and resources that could assist managers in the future when managing their teams
  4. Recommendations, both short term and long term, to improve the current situation Also ensure the appropriate use of headings and formats so as to reflect a professional presentation.