Choose any One of the topics from the following list:

  • Scarce resources- which resource and in which country/industry are seen as scarce and what is being done in the industry or country. What substitutes have been used to overcome this problem!
  • Micro economics – Choose any industry and discuss the reforms done or needed in that industry.
  • Demand and supply of a product of your choice and factors that affect the demand and supply sides of the market.
  • Market structures like Monopoly, Oligopoly and Monopolistic competition in Australia.

Structure of the Essay

  • Introduction – which topic 200 words
  • Body- Discuss the topic in the article and with some theory -700 words
  • Conclusion 100 words

– More marks for research – choosing a good article on something specific topic from the above list
– There is no need to explain the theory/concepts in the essay on its own
– More marks for application and your comments on the topic
– You need to provide a link to the article with your essay. Also attach the safe assignment report with your essay, if a hard copy is required.
– Upload the soft copy on BB by Fri 5pm week 6.