Career Development Plan and Management Development


Health and safety management plays a crucial role in an organization, which ensures to enhance the productivity of an organization. A safety management system is a group of policies that are mainly considered in high-risk industries. In this study, the discussion is lying upon the safety plan, some policies and processes, precautions, training workers about health and safety issues, monitoring the work, and many more. Besides, the illustration of multiple safety rules has been provided, corresponding to the production industry. 

Significance of Health and Safety Management

Health and safety management system is a sum of some terms and policies that an organization has to obey to reduce the accidents of the employee. As per OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), the Effective Safety and Health Management System (SHMS) has successfully reduced accidents in many risky industries and illnesses of the employee. And it also reduced the cost related to work injury in any organization (Lu-Jie, et al. 2018). There are some befits for maintaining health and safety management:

  • Improved Health and Safety performance: There should have some policies for workers and the worker have to know about this policy.
  • Lower Insurance Premiums: The first consideration of most of the business is cost saving. One of the important cost-saving places is lower insurance premiums.
  • Improve precautions: OHS management system ensures that the employee is more protected, such as :
  1. Sudden fall
  2. Injuries
  3. Skin-related diseases and many more.

If the employee feels safe then they do their work with confidence. 

  • The health and safety work and policy of the company.
  • The idea about the accident and illness of the employee.
  • The training about health and safety issues of the worker.
  • Identifying the risk corresponding to various industries.
  • Technological performance for risk control.
  • Adjust the operating circumstances.
  • Identifying the potential impact on finance and manpower in various industries.

Managing worker safety is the goal of any company. Securing the health and safety of the employee of any organization is not too much time-taken or complicated. Hence, every organization should have managed and controlled their employee’s health and safety risks (Accou and Reniers, 2020). Long ago safety management system (SMS) was introduced to us for improving the safety of the employee in any organization. There are many industries where the worker are working at high risk. Many accidents are occurred in many industries due to neglect of the safety management system and many employees are injured badly. As per Cullen’s report on Piper Alpha disaster, the UK safety authorities accepted the safety case for those who operate an offshore installation. Then the idea of the auditable idea is launched in high-risk industries like the transport industry, some production industries, etc. Since the 1950s the introduction of the safety management system (SMS) was described. In case of failure of any health and safety issue of any worker of any organization can damage the company’s reputation. Every organization should have a good OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) management system that leads to minimizing unnecessary manpower, ensuring that the workplace OSH team focus on the work as well as the worker’s safety, etc. 


Accou, B. and Reniers, G., 2020. Introducing the Extended Safety Fractal: Reusing the Concept of Safety Management Systems to Organize Resilient Organizations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(15), pp. 5478.

Lu-Jie, Z., Qing-Gui Cao, Yu, K., Lin-Lin, W., And Wang, H., 2018. Research on Occupational Safety, Health Management and Risk Control Technology in Coal Mines. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(5), pp. 868.