Business Research Methods

Dangerous waste management, waste collection, treatment and disposal that can cause significant damage to the health of humans and safety to the environment when treated improperly. Dangerous waste, mainly produced by chemical processing, manufacturing, and other industries, may take the form of solids, liquids, slides or gaseous contents. During insufficient storage, transport, treatment or disposal operations, they may cause harm. Inappropriate storage or disposal of hazardous waste often pollutes and can also contribute to harmful land contamination. Homes near old waste disposal sites may be especially the most vulnerable. Governments are closely monitoring the practice of hazardous waste management in order to address current issues and avoid the potential damage caused by harmful waste.

Hazardous materials require regulations in order to ensure safety. These regulations cut across different sectors which may include;

  • Packaging of hazardous materials regulations applies to everyone who transport hazardous materials in commerce.
  • Pre-transportation involves any person working on pre-transportation functions under a contract with any agency or department of the judiciary, legislative or executive arm of the government. Pre-transport functions include; providing Certification that the materials are in proper condition before transportation. (1) Determining the level hazardous of the material to be transported. (2) the Selection of packaging of hazardous materials. (3) Filling of packaging materials which include bulk packages. (4) Securing of closure on a partially filled or filled hazardous materials packages.
  • Transportation functions; which include movement, storage, loading and offloading of hazardous materials.
  • There’s also the requirements from other Federal agencies 
  • Penalties for noncompliance may also be imposed to anyone who violates any requirement of the government’s hazardous waste transportation law. Usually there’s no minimal civil penalty except for the penalty for violation related to training.

Hazardous materials that are not destroyed by chemical processes or incineration need to be properly disposed. For most of these wastes, land disposal is the best method, although it is usually not an appealing practice, because of the risks involved afterwards on the environment. Two main methods involving land disposal include underground injection and landfilling. Before land disposal is used, containment systems are often preferred as a temporary method. Examples of Temporary on-site waste storage facilities include ponds or lagoons and open waste. New piles of waste are usually constructed carefully over an impervious base similar to that of landfills and must comply with the regulatory requirements. Erosions and wind dispersions usually affect the piles and they need to be protected from them. Controlling and monitoring systems must be employed if leachate is generated. The waste can only be processed without containerized solid, no moving waste material, and it must be deposited until the pile size does not become feasible to handle. An open holding pit called lagoon, is a typical form of temporary storage for toxic liquid waste. Between the liner and groundwater testing wells are required to install leachate collection systems. Sludge collected shall be routinely removed and further processed as harmful waste. The dumping of unsafe solid or containerized waste is stricter than the disposal of urban solid waste. Safe waste disposal is regulated. A network of pipes positioned over each line are the double leachate collection system.

 Another means which may be adopted is the use of storage as a way of managing these hazardous materials. Some of the proper ways include;

  • Hazardous Material Containers

 Hazardous materials must be stored in containers which have lids and made of materials that are compatible with the waste.

Household food service and detergent containers are highly discouraged.

The best container is the original chemical contained for your hazardous waste

  • Sealing Hazardous Material Containers

 Hazardous materials containers must be sealed to prevent spillage or leakage.

A container containing hazardous waste must ALWAYS be closed during storage, except when it is necessary to remove or add waste.

  • Hazardous waste containers labelling.

 In order to avoid confusion among different containers. It is important also in knowing the percentages of content in different containers. This will enable you to know how to handle them with caution.

  • Storage area.

 one should designate a special area to store waste materials. Tis is to prevent contamination with other objects or surfaces which may cause infections.

In conclusion, more regulations need to be imposed in order to safeguard the environment from these hazardous wastes and materials. It is a joint responsibility between the government and private parastatals. On matters disposal, the public need to be educated on proper and safe ways of disposing toxic materials. This can be achieved through introduction of environmental units as early as elementary levels. This will enable the young to be more sensitive about their immediate environment earlier. Storage of hazardous can’t be stressed enough. The measures we put in place now will greatly influence our next generation’s world. Let’s join hands and make the world a better place through proper management of hazardous wastes.