MAE201 – Competition and Industry


Gun violence is the brutality committed through use of firearm; the violence can be considered criminal or not. According to Philip and Marcus, 75% of the world’s firearms are controlled by civilians while half of these weaponry are in United States which has the highest rate of firearm ownership in the globe. The control of guns by the civilians puts the world at great risk of gun violence because many civilians lack proper qualification to own or control the
firearms hence letting them own guns increases the risk of gun violence and crimes such as assault by firearm. Globally, many people are wounded or killed through the use of guns. This paper addresses gun violence as a critical issue around the globe and how use of strict laws can help in preventing this problem.

Background Information

Gun violence is a current international human rights concern [Amnesty International]. This is because firearm linked violence threatens the human rights right to life, every individual has a right to life, due to gun violence many individuals lives are lost and this threatens human’s right to life as gun life leads to premature and unanticipated deaths. The main reason to the increased rate of gun violence around the globe is the easy access to firearms; this can be legally or illegally. Today it is easy to access firearms both legally and illegally as there is increased sell of firearms illegally and this makes guns available for an individual whenever they want it. Surname 2 According to Amnesty International, more than 500 people lose their lives on daily basis due to gun violence; it is also estimated that 44% of the world homicides globally are due to gun violence. Gun violence does not only lead to death but also to injuries both minor and major injuries. Gun violence is a critical issue that needs to be addressed because gunshot injuries often changes the life’s of those individuals and they become victims of long-term and physical health.

Causes of Gun Violence

Loose laws. Loose laws are the leading reason as to why there is increased gun violence across the globe. The American way of life of possessing a firearm has created many loopholes that criminals make use of to obtain weapons at ease. From a study conducted all over America, majority of the general public consider that things can be chieve by use of firearms; this makes  those not authorized to own guns acquire the guns illegally and some considering some of them being criminals the rate of gun violence increases [Fox]. Due to Americans believes that a gun helps in achieving many things easily, America’s government has rules and regulation that allow the public to access guns easily. The easy access of guns leads to gun assault as well as increased suicide cases as when a person owns a gun it is easy to take their own live using the firearm. Also, when criminals have access to guns, guns violence crimes such as robberies, sexual assault, and other criminal activities are likely to increase as the criminals uses the firearms to threaten their victims hence achieve their aim. Mental illness. Mental illness is another cause of gun violence, according Colombia University Irving Medical Center much of the increased rates of gun violence are caused by people with mental disorders as well as substance abuse [Merino, pp. 20-22]. Mentally ill people
and drug abusers lack proper mental capability when it comes to making sound decisions and this increases the risk of gun violence as these two groups of people end up misusing the guns

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hence causing harm to themselves, their families, or other people in the society. Mentally ill people have impaired judgment and this makes them incapable of making sound decisions hence when they are in possession of a firearm they are more likely to cause harm through the use of the gun. Video games. Video games is another cause of increased gun violence rates. This is because people of all ages are able to study guns and acquire knowledge online through the use of video games. This makes more people acquire the skills of how to use guns hence making
them want to own a gun, some even acquire the guns illegally and just for fun hence increasing gun violence acts. Illegal firearm business. Today, there are many firearm businesses which operate secretly and are illegally, these businesses facilitates illegal supply of firearms to people who are not authorized to firearms. In return this increases the rate of gun violence because the illegal supply makes different groups of individuals not eligible to own firearms such as children, criminals, and mentally ill people own firearms hence endangering their lives as well as the lives
of others.

Effects of Gun Violence

Gun violence has adverse effects on individuals, the society, and the nation at large. Gun violence is a leading cause of death worldwide, this leads to loss of people who are important to the nation especially in cases of homicide whereby people are killed anyhowly by unknown people, children also become orphans if one or both of their parents get murdered or commit suicide. The availability of guns has also led to many gun injuries which has left many people jobless and fully dependent as some gun injuries are severe to an extend that a person needs full
care support even in doing basic things. This is also a challenge to the national economy as such people become dependants instead of economy contributors since they cannot work. Lastly, gun

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violence is a burden to health care, according to Brady United, majority of Americans believes that gun violence is a public health crisis. This belief is due to the fact that people who are impacted by firearms violence can experience stress, despair, and post-traumatic stress disorder whose effects do not only harm the survivors but also the people around them.

Gun Violence Prevention

Strict and sensible rules, laws, policies, and regulations are the only way out of gun violence. This is because much of gun violence acts are facilitated by gun laws loopholes which make it easy to own a firearm. The available government laws and policies on guns seem not to work and this calls for better measures on firearms holders as well as illegality. According to Prevention Institute, sensible laws pertaining guns should be made, for example, the number of civilians authorized gun holders should be reduced and those who have guns held accountable
for their guns. Also, proper measures should also be made to ensure that all illegal firearm businesses are diminished and those accountable for the sale of arms held accountable for their actions. Another law that should be made is that those with mental disorders and drug abuse problem should never be allowed to own guns; regular checkups should be done to ensure that all the authorized gun holders are mentally fit to prevent guns being in the wrong hands hence reduce gun violence. Policies should also be made whereby those with past or present criminal
records are banned from owning firearms, for instance, according to Prevention Institute, youths, and individual who are at risk of harming themselves or others should be denied access to firearm. Individuals such as those who are violent to their partners or families, those with previous or present violent convictions, as well as those with mental illnesses should be banned from owning firearms [Tanden and Stachelberg]. Also, strict laws should be made and put into

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action to help in ending some beliefs such as the American beliefs that shoot to kill is the best
defense method. With laws prohibiting use of guns against each other, the Americans will be
able to overcome this belief hence live together in harmony rather than believing that with a gun
it is easy to achieve something. Lastly, background check for all guns and gun holders should be
mandatory; with such a policy in place it will be easy to regulate firearm ownership hence reduce
gun violence as the guns will always be in good hands.


Gun violence is a global issue that has adverse effects on the individuals as well as the nation at large. Gun violence is among the leading cause of deaths worldwide as many people lose their lives due to gun violence acts such as suicide, intentional homicide, police brutality, domestic violence, and accidental gunshot deaths. Lack of strict laws, policies, and regulations as well as cultural believes are the main contributors of gun violence. Insensible laws and
regulations plays a big role in availability of guns as the loose laws makes it easy for an individual to access guns thus increasing the risk of gun violence. To prevent gun violence, strict laws, rules, and regulations as well as policies should be made as these will help in reduction of public gun holders hence reduce the rate of gun violence across the world.


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Amnesty International. Gun Violence Key Facts. Retrieved from Brady United. Effects of Gun Violence. 2019 Retrieved from violence#:~:text=People%20who%20are%20impacted%20by,all%20those%20who%20l ove%20them.
Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Understanding e and Mass Shootings.

Fox, Kara. America’s Gun Culture vs. the World. CNN. Merino, Noel. Gun Violence. Greenhaven Press. 2015, pp. 20-22.
Philip, Alpers. and Marcus, Wilson. Global Impact of . Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney. 2013.
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Tanden, Neera. and Stachelberg, Winnie. Preventing Gun Violence in Our Nation. 2013.
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