BSBTWK502 - Manage Team Effectiveness

The company’s size in the Current global markets plays a minor role. Depending on the size of the company, all the companies can serve equally in the global market based on the quality of service and goods it conforms to the customers in the market field. In this era of globalization, many people have their eyes on the quality of the product offered by the company together with the customer service (Alexandra, 2017). Many customers today do not just buy a product because of the company’s reputation; instead, they have a variety of options s to make. The market is no longer influenced by how big the company is anymore.

Furthermore, for the company to excel in the global trade market today, its product must first meet its needs. For instance, due to the immense faith of the customers in the Sony corporation company in their electronics equipment, the company had no other option rather than to rule it out (Alexandra, 2017). However, other companies around the world have been able to come up with substitutes of the same electronics with good quality and at a cheaper price to the market. The substitutes have been made available to all markets across the world due to the trade-free policies. The products include the ones from Chinese markets.

Globalization in the current trade impacts the community, country’s economy, and employment powers. Therefore, the country can never avoid the global market today due to the interconnection between globalization in the global economies. Since, a single problem in one place can cause another problem in a different part of the world (Alexandra, 2017). For instance, many people including the overseas lost their jobs due to the American financial crisis. Thus, crisis leads to people in overseas countries returning back which in turn led to a major burden to those countries for both transportation cost together with the rehabilitation cost.

Communication media such as radio networks and magazines also are influenced by global trade since they make part of the global trade. However, globalization helps global trade by integrating societies, society cultures, and economies. Besides, the global market has an impact also on the increase of insecurity in many rural areas (Alexandra, 2017). Since many people practice crop farming, the global market links their crop products to other countries with similar products hence affecting the prices of the crop productions. Therefore, many groups from rural remaining overdependent on the government hence increasing in security.

Otherwise, the global market impacts positively on urban areas whenever the trading activities from global markets increase. Therefore, for a good and stable balance between rural and urban, the government should strategically plan for it first before joining the global market (Alexandra, 2017). Also, the global market influences both world security and world politics. The country’s security can be under threat during the exchange of products from both countries and the workforce too. 

Finally, the globalization of the company to the global market does not depend on the size of the company (Alexandra, 2017). Global trade can influence across the globe, for instance, it can influence the culture, economy, employment, politics among many other areas in many ways.


Alexandra, W. (2017). “Mountain Research and Development