Essay Questions 

The academic essay should be based on your critical evaluation of the literature on a specific topic. You are expected to combine literature from across the syllabus. 

You can choose one of the following essay questions: 

  1. To what extent is contemporary globalization different from the globalization of the past? Discuss with reference to dominant theories of globalization and issues of place and time. 
  2. How useful are theories of Postcolonialism and Feminism for understanding the consequences of globalization? Discuss by comparing/contrasting the two theories. 
  3. Globalization is believed to create forms of community and membership that extend beyond the territories of nation-states. To what extent do these formations signal the end of the nation-state as an institution? Discuss with reference to relevant theories. 
  4. Is Cultural Diplomacy another form of Imperialism? Discuss with reference to issues of power. 
  5. How does consumption intersect with politics and to what extent can citizen-consumers modify the power relations of globalization? Discuss with reference to relevant theories. 
  6. In reference to relevant theories of globalization, critically evaluate that aspects of the global economy create global inequalities and lead to the exclusion of certain countries from the global system. 
  7. In what ways can consumer-led movements like ‘slow fashion’ present a legitimate challenge to global capitalism? Discuss with reference to relevant theory. 
  8. Does craftivism challenge or reinforce gender stereotypes, and to what extent can it be an effective form of protest? Discuss with reference to theory and provide specific examples of craftivist practice. 
  9. What are the main challenges that developing countries face in their pursuit of empowerment and active participation in decision-making that affects people’s lives? Discuss with reference to dominant theories of development communication. 
  10. Using the Fair Trade movement as a case study, explain how non-state actors (e.g. civil society, NGOs, the media, consumers) can contribute to the process of global governance. Discuss with reference to relevant theories about globalization and governance.