
The current report aims to evaluate the establishment of Leon fast food chains (UK) to the US markets. On that note, critical analysis of the strengths of the organization will be discussed. In addition to that, in order to expand their business in the US market, appropriate marketing strategies will be recommended considering the characteristics and the needs of the target market.
Section 1: Critical evaluation of an organisation in one or more established markets Overview of the organisation
Founded in the year 2004, Leon has established itself as a healthy fast food chain in the UK. The menu of the meals are inspired by the natural and flavours benefits of the Mediterrannean cooking along with considering the British cuisines (Leon.co, 2020).The founders of the restaurant aimed to provide the fat filled junk foods focusing on the health benefits. Herein, gaining popularity as healthy eating, the concerned food chain currently aims to expand in business in the US market. Therefore, analysing the global consumers and the marketplace, Leon has focused on the investment by the private equity banker along with maintaining a good relationship with its target customers.
Critical analysis of the organisation’s strengths

Brand value:
The strengths of the brand is that the cooking menu is inspired by the variety of natural flavors of Mediterrannean cooking. Such foods are served maintaining the good taste as well as healthy eating. Therefore, it is optimistic that after ending the pandemic situation of COVID-19, the concerned brand will be able to serve the healthy and tasty foods appropriate for the restricted diets (Leon.co, 2020). The online cooking classes by Leon have been designed for teaching its customers the way to cook tasty and healthy foods at the same time. Herein, creating the video resources in regard to the post pandemic situation, the concerned food chain is expected to be accessible by the customers across the US market in a successful manner.
Products and/or services:
Leon is a fast food brand and considers the areas of speed of services, profitability, and its consistency. In terms of services, the kitchen of Lean is modelled with the Burger king especially (Leon.co, 2020). At the peak time as well as during the festive season the restaurant has about a thousand customers per day. In order to provide the effective services, the dishes are prepared before getting ordered and placed on a chute as for picking up by the staff. The fast food model of the concerned food chain hinges the processes of centralisation by the skilled and trained staff and the chefs. Apart from that, the brand has considered the discrete choice theory of products’ differentiation. According
to the approach of this theory, Lean becomes able to differentiate its products from its rivalries across the industry. Understand the modern marketing economy, the approach of this theory helps in describing the demands of the differentiated products. Considering the post coronavirus pandemic situation, Leon has tied up with Saninsbury for expanding its business across the US market. On that note, the organisation has launched a range of groceries such  s fresh bread, balsamic vinegar, olive oils, mayonnaises, non vegan and vegan sauces in the initial range (Shaw, 2020).
Marketing communications mix: The following table discusses the marketing communications mix of Leon following the marketing mix
(4P) theory.

Table 1: Marketing Communications Mix

Product Leon is mainly known for its burgers. However, the customers intend to purchase the products like breakfast meals, desserts and both vegan and non vegan health drinks. Following the intensive growth strategy therefore, the company aims to diversify its Place Considering the pandemic situation post COVID-19, Leon has focused on the virtual places through which the customers could access the information about the company’s products along with buying those. Serving the customers across the US market, the organisation has selected the apparel locations where most of the sales revenue is expected to be generated.

Promotion In terms of promotion, Leon considers public relations, sales promotion and direct marketing. For direct marketing community events are considered whereas public relations are focused on providing traffic and coupons (Pružinský, 2016). For advertising both traditional and traditional methods are considered for promoting its products. Price The concerned organization utilises competitive based pricing strategy depending on which it offers meals with discounts in a competitive pricing.optimising the product value and cost, the chosen strategy helps in encouraging customers to buy the food dishes as per the affordability.

Based on the analysis made in above table, it can be stated that the approach of the 4P theory allows the organization to separate its marketing factors from the activities of the other similar organization in the context of marketing. The separation of the product, promotion, place and pricing help the specialists to focus on the objectives in an efficient manner.

Use of media:

Lean uses traditional media such as television, magazines and the printed ads in newspapers. Through the advertising campaign, the organization also has added the digital channels such as social media platforms and emails (Ogidi and Utulu, 2016). In order to increase the opportunities of the advertisement campaign the social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are expected to increase brand awareness for acquiring the new customers across the US market during the post pandemic situation.

Relationship Marketing strategies:

Leon follows email marketing as an effective approach to relationship marketing strategy. As such sending the commercial message to its customers, the company aims to bradese its sense (Özsaçmacı and Dursun, 2020). According to the 4P theory of the organisation, the approach of email marketing helps to drive its revenue, delivering targeted messages along with engaging the potential customers from the US market. Analysing organisation’s relationship with its customers The concerned organization has raised its money through incorporating the bond scheme as a payoff of converting £300k loan from its stakeholders for establishing the Leon foundation. Investors of this scheme have been announced to get ten percent per fifteen hundred rising (Eversham, 2016). As a result, despite
the brand value, mutual trust has been made with the customers considering which the customers intend to interact in an effective manner.

Section 2: Proposal of strategies to enter a new market

Proposed strategies for the chosen organisation Based on the above discussion as well as the circumstances of post pandemic the following strategies have been identified for Leon to grow across the US market. Engaging target audience through social media platforms: Lean is suggested to follow the strategy of social media engagement (Oglesby, 2020). Considering the post COVID-19 situation, it is optimistic that through survey, and posting high quality images and videos, the brand awareness will be increased in a cost effective manner. Starting the approach of content marketing: Another strategies that will be allowed to answers the questions of the audience through the approach of content marketing. By building trust with the target audience of the US, Leon is expected to improve conversions by connecting with the customers in an effective manner. As the contemporary audiences expect high quality, therefore maintaining consistency in the content will assist Leon to become a preferable brand in near future. Based on the suggested strategies it can be stated that Leon needs to follow the approach of consumer
engagement theory depending on which the interactions with the customers will be established in an effective anner. By increasing the amount of telecommunication technologies and channels, both the  loyalty and the customers are expected to be retained by increasing the sales of the food items of the concerned organisation (Lieb, 2017).

Needs and characteristics of the target market In the context of the US, the target market of Leon will be the middle class and lower middle class income individuals. Considering the age group from 12 years to 60 years (both female and male), Leon has planned to come up with the consistent pricing policy by maintaining the satisfactory services for the target customers. It is expected that due to the affordability of pricing will help to attract the customers in a
successful manner (Howison and Marchant, 2017). In terms of the needs of the post pandemic situation, Leon will incorporate the approach of digital orders through the official website or the mobile apps initially. Based on the rating of the customers, Leon will further improve their services. Explaining the way the needs and characteristics of the consumers might differ from those in the organisation’s existing markets Considering the post pandemic situation of COVID-19, it can be stated that the consumer markets of the US could be pertained to the customers Ningsih, 2019). Herein, in terms of differing from the existing  markets of the organisation, the consumers are expected to prefer the device friendly app for reviewing the products. Apart from that, in order to check the prices, sharing the referrals, requesting coupons, they will prefer to purchase the products by online ordering rather than standing in the restaurants. Therefore, in comparison with the existing market the needs of the consumers is expected to focus on the empowerment of mobile connectivity that could lead to the positive opportunities for the brand. It is worth mentioning  that interacting with the customers in a purposeful manner, their interactions will be personalised as well in the near future.


Considering the above discussion, the following recommendations have been identified for Leon. Incorporation of product life cycle theory: Leon is suggested to incorporate the approach of product life cycle theory for evolving its products across the target market of the US. According to this theory, the initial lifecycle of the products could spart the interests by educating the potential customers (Deaton, 2018). Considering this fact, after the post pandemic
situation of coronavirus, a broad audience is expected to be secured during the growth phase. Apart from
this with the help of the stable supply chain, the additional distribution channels are expected to be defended against the rivalries to enter the new market. Following the theory of consumer behaviour: Another recommended theory to be suggested for Leon is the theory of consumer behaviour. According to this theory, the hierarchical department of Leon will be able to deal with the needs and the behaviour of the target audience (Sirgy and Grace, 2016). As a result, based on the specific deals of the consumers, the consumers are expected to spend their income on the food items of Leon in the context of the US. Comparing alternative strategies In terms of alternative strategies, the approach of email marketing could be considered as effective. As such, with the approach of email marketing it is expected that Leon will be able to pay close attention to its customers. By prioritizing their needs and preferences, they will also be able to show their food menus with exciting offers by the proper execution (Hartemo, 2016). Another strategy could be suggested in this context is reaching out to the US and domestic food bloggers, vloggers and influencers. By doing so, Leon is expected to leverage its network through the approach of content sharing. Giving incentives to the
individual as well as the free meals is expected to popularise their brand across the US market. Comparing
these considered strategies, it can be recommended that the second one will be much more effective for
entering US marketing. By influencing the domestic blogger, the brand awareness will be served in an
effective manner.

As per the recommended strategy, engaging the customers through social media platforms such as instagram, facebook and twitter will increase the brand awareness. Also, the approach of content marketing will enhance the effective communication with the target audience by promoting the high quality, and maintaining consistency.


It can be concluded that the report has analysed the appropriate strategies for Leon for entering the US
market. As identified in the resort by influencing the bloggers and vloggers of the US, the food items will
be popular by increasing the brand awareness. In addition to that, engaging the target audience through
social media, will help to prioritise their preferences and needs in an effective manner.


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