Literature Review Assignment

Formative assessment is a collection of practices for enhancing student learning. It offers exclusive prospects for
teachers and students to learn and learn. It increases incentive, confidence and commitment from learners to
their education (Black and William, 2016).

Kahoot: A Game-based Formative Assessment Tool

 Kahoot is a wholly free multi-device classroom response system for forming and managing unique game-like questions that empowers educators and captivates learners of all ages across schools, universities and businesses.
 It enables educational content to be created through questioning significant questions instantaneously, and creation a social, exciting and game-like atmosphere.  such as reading and listening and discussions are useful for
productive skills like speaking for intermediate levels.

Picture Talk Game

 Entails one student being a describer, giving description of the image on the card without saying what it is while copiers, being the rest of the class have to draw the image described without talking.
 After several rounds of playing, the teacher moves onto a graph talk, whereby the describers and the photocopiers use graphical paper. Hence, the complex imagery uses describers on the Y and X -axis
 After several rounds with extra introduction of mathematical vocabulary dealing with shapes and graphics, the students are therefore asked to create their on mode in groups.
 The teacher then gives the students a design challenge to incorporate various constraint kinds in order to create a new kind playtest with one another
 It is fun and enables students to perform designer roles while allowing them to display their content area knowledge.

Civil War Loop- a systems

thinking Game

 Is a tile playing game, where players develop causal maps, then spot the potential
feedback loops using cards with phrases related to the civil war era.

 Through winning of arguments and their connection, students earn points .
 It allows the teacher to easily do assessment of students learning progress .
 Also, it gives reflection platform for students in their academics