Organization Using Accounting Package in Australia

Identify two local organisations that deliver services to one of the key sectors such as health, disability, aging, housing, justice, or employment (you are encouraged to use the same sector as the  one in Assignment 1 to facilitate in-depth learning). Access a minimum of ten publically available archival documents (for example, strategic plans,
annual reports, web and social media pages, government submissions, pamphlets and so on) for each of the organisations.
Compare and contrast the following across the two organisations:
 Description of organisations and their functioning o This section should describe the broader functioning of each of the organisations (including their legal structure, whether they are voluntary, their management
structures and so on)

 Underpinning values, types of programs and approach to client health and wellbeing o This section should identify the values underpinning the service delivery of each of the organisations; types of programs they deliver (including the client group, geographical area and other relevant demographic details) and the strategies or
activities in place to support client health and wellbeing

 Identification of challenges and risk factors o This section should present an analysis of the challenges being faced by and risk factors associated with the two organisations (use techniques such as SWOT or PESTLE to facilitate your analysis and include as Appendix.

 Predictions and Organisational Positioning  o This section should draw on your research from Assessment 1 and Assessment 3 along with relevant course content to reflect on the future needs of the relevant sector in Australia. You should then evaluate how the two organisations are positioned to address/serve the above-mentioned needs. This evaluation should flow from the previous assessment and be informed by relevant theory and empirical data.

A further 25 marks are allocated to general criteria around approach to written content, literacy,
organisation and referencing. Detailed Marking Criteria follows.