Creating and Leading Sample

GROUP ASSIGNMENT 100 marks (weightage 20%)

Read the instructions in your course documents, in your student portal, Course Outline, CA outline and your Desire2learn (D2L) portal carefully. You will be penalized with marks deduction if the instructions are not strictly followed.

Students are to upload their assignment by the due date through their student portal account. After the due date, students’ submissions will not be entertained.

Students should keep a copy of assignment submitted. The submitted report must show evidence that this is students’ own work.

Write your FULL Name AND your IC/Passport number as in the register on the answer script. Please be reminded that plagiarism and collusion are serious offences, and all cases will be referred to the administration. Grades will be withheld until investigations are completed if the submission is suspected of plagiarism or collusion.

Deadline: 25th Nov, 11.59am
Penalty Marks for Late Submission of Assignment
Within 24 hours: 20% to be deducted from total marks
More than 24 hours: submission will be graded zero

CA Submission
CAs must be submitted online via student portal. Please read through instructions in your student portal, CA outline and D2L carefully before submitting.

For non-D2L issues please email Please email with your student portal accounts. Email from other addresses will not be entertained. If issues raised are covered, you will be directed to read through instructions in the CA outline, D2L and the FAQ. Please take time to read thoroughly before raising issues.

Assignment 1 (Group Assignment)

It is your responsibility to form your own groups. Please approach your lecturer for assistance if you are unable to join a group.

Project Requirements:

From the list of concepts below, choose ONE topic for your assignment and look for a recent article. You may use additional supporting article(s) relating to the same issue or event if you think that the original article does not provide you with enough information.

Hint: What can a financial manager learn from the article that will help him or her to do a better job at the firm (company) level?

Here is the list of concepts to choose for your assignment:

• Agency Issue and Problems
• Role of Business Ethics and Wealth Maximization
• Working Capital Management and Trade-off between Risk & Return

NOTE: You MUST provide the DATE (must be within the last three (3) months of the assignment due date) and the source (website address, etc.) of the article. – Attach your article(s) together with your submission.

– Your report should not exceed 12 pages.

Cover page of your assignment:

Full Name & Student Number (All members):
Article Title:
Date of Article(s):
Source of Article(s):