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The film Kingdom of Heaven is a historical romantic drama and action film of British and America that was released on 6th May 2005 in the USA. The film describes the history of the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin in the year 1187, at the end of the dramatic conquest of the Saracen sultan within the holy land of the crusaders. The film portrays the political view and fierce rivalry of Jerusalem towards Saladin led Ayyubids under the reign of king Baldwin IV. The actor Orlando Bloom played the character of protagonist Balian, on his journey from France to the holy land of crusades and his role was to protect the holy land from the army of Saladin. This film is based on a young knight saving the kingdom and falls in love for a princess. This film of Ridley Scott features many distinguished actors such as Ghassan Massoud as Saladin, Edward Norton as the king Baldwin IV, Liam Neeson as Godfrey and Eva green as Sibylla.This paper will analyze and document how the different kinds of corrupting historical event like the war with the Muslim Ayyubids and the violence of the conflicting political agendas. The movie also portrayed and dramatized the relationship between Balian and Sybillia for grabbing the attention of the modern audience. 

The history of the film is based on the balanced portrayal between the Muslims and the Christians that helps in understanding the two religion of Christian. The film tries to acquaint a fresh alternative to replace the biased sides of both religions that is a lifestyle based on the western culture of humanism. The director Ridley Scott in this film suggests that human beings can lead a better life without the faith of religion and there will be more peace in the world without any war and crime in the name of religion. The political representation of the film advocates the advancement of western culture than the Muslims. However the movie has portrayed the value of both the different religions and there is no way to comprehend a religion lesser than the western culture of humanism.

Balian has been portrayed as the most corrupted historical personality in the movie with a generous back story. The film portrays a tentative background story of Balian, so that the audiences empathize with the journey of the character more. However, in reality Balian was born an aristocrat in the holy land of Jerusalem and from early life he was active in the military of the kingdom from an early age. The movie also resolves round a large number of significant and factual events of great historical integrity.  The plot of the film is based on historical events and it relies on the facts of the history to shape an outline of all the major points. However, the director of the film Ridley Scott has heavily dramatized some of the characters and events in the movie, much to make it more fictional than their agnomen. The time crusader’s army got annihilate, Balian took the responsibility in his shoulder to save the people of holy land of Jerusalem from the Muslim army of Saladin. At the end of the day Balian and Saladin with his army came to an agreement after two weeks of their battle and as a consequence of the agreement the crusaders can leave the holy land of Jerusalem safely. The portrayal of the historical character of Balian was most over dramatic, based on the real character of Balian Ibelin there was absolutely a bit of similarity with the film character. After the battle of Hattin, the highest-ranking nobleman Balian fled from the battle in the holy land of Jerusalem and he was charged by the patriarch of the city Heraclius to lead the defense of the Balian. The conflicts between the army of crusaders and Arab are somewhat one-dimensional and from this valuable judgment, it can be received that the both negative and positive characters are not divided by religion. The positive characters are analytical and the reconciliation characters are tolerant of religion such as Balian, Godfrey the father of Balian, King Baldwin and Saladin. 

Balian is a composition of two real-life brother characters Balian and the Baldwin of Ibelin.  The year of 1184, Balian sails his ship for the holy land of Jerusalem but a storm wrecks the ship of Balian and he landed on the Syrian beach and made a watering hole. The political history of the film represents that king Baldwin IV was dying in leprosy and was wearing a silver mask that made him look like a green goblin. However, that can be forgiven because the reminisce of him was correct about the victory of him at the age of 16 against the forces of Saladin at the battleground of Montgisard. The audience was a bit disturbed at the moment Saladin entered Jerusalem and was walking through the yard of the church and picked a crucifix to replace it. However, the scene was justified because the victory of Saladin was one of the most honorable war victories of history.  

 After getting urged by Godfrey, the father of Balian, he joined the military service of the kingdom and traveled to the land of the second crusade. After all the expectations peace was destroyed by the fanatics of religion and the war broke between the crusaders and the Muslim leader Saladin

Despite the promotion of a political agenda the movie has depicted a love relationship between the two most prominent characters namely Balian and Sibylla. However, the film portrays the scene in an incorrect way, Ridley Scott only portrays the scene of siege only for three days but only the scene of the film has the most similarity to real history. The defense of knight Balian was unsuccessful to defend the holy land of Jerusalem and the contractual meeting between the Balian and Saladin was about the negotiation of the safety of the people of the holy land of Jerusalem. The film completely omit the scene of vast loot that was occurred in the duration of the war by both of the religion of Muslim and Christian and the director created a complete invalid and fictitious relationship of love between the Balian and the princess Sibylla. However in real history the relationship between Balian and princess Sibylla never happened, it was just an act of Ridley Scott to grab the attention of audiences to empathize with the journey of their love life. The film portrays that the princess Sybilla and Balian escaped to France and lived a peaceful life far from the politics and religious issues of the middle-east. While in the real history Balian remained equally involved with the politics of the kingdom in the duration of third crusades. Unlike the film in the real history, Balian had an important role selecting the successor of the queen and her husband. However in the movie the director dramatized the relationship between queen Sybilla and Balian to add some compassion subplot over their dramatic romance. Apart from the character of Balian and Sybilla, the director has overly dramatized other characters as well in the movie to engage and attract more audiences, far from the real history behind all the characters. As a nobleman knight, Balian has defended the holy land of Jerusalem from the attack of Salah Al-din and his army.

Ridley Scott’s movie the Kingdom of Heaven is a polished film based on the history of Balian and the land of Jerusalem, with many action scenes and strong characters. This paper has argued about the different historical drama along with the twist of a love relationship for blending the incidents in an appropriate manner. Arguments of different fateful events and the circumstances have been made that make the film a perfect combination of politics, religion, and contemporary modern culture. This film plays an important role in the Hollywood film industry to maintain and preach the ideology of the main events of history. However, it can be concluded from the above discussion that the film has mainly focused on the attraction of audiences rather than the real history. 


Criterion (2020), the home page,

History news character (2020), Kingdom of Heaven: What Parts Are Real?

Liu, Yiou. “Kingdom of Heaven and Its Ideological Message.” Asian Journal of Social Science Studies 1, no. 2 (2016): 67.

Liu, Yiou. “Kingdom of Heaven and its ideological message.” CINEJ Cinema Journal 6, no. 1 (2017): 84-93. 

The guardian (2020), The occasional historical accuracy of Kingdom of Heaven is hampered by Ridley Scott’s desire to make everyone seem nice,