HC1021 Interpersonal & E-Communication

Q3. The closing of the frontier, as the 1890 US Census announced, brought a long chapter of American history to an end. What were some major factors that went into accomplishing this? What allowed white Americans to achieve the complete settlement of the West?

The expansion towards the West in the United States was a very enticing period for the majority of the world and also America herself. The expansion brought a lot of experience to United States after recovering from the Civil War. The westward expansion did not only affect the citizens of America but it also convinced other European immigrants to also move to the new world. The immigrants were mostly attracted by the available economic opportunities they were to get after occupying the new land. In this paper I will discuss the factors that led to westward expansion which eventually led to the closure of frontier. There was increase in population in the Eastern side of United States that led to the degradation and scarcity of resources, the United States therefore to expand more to the west because in the West, there was vast and fertile land available. So as to achieve the movement, a lot of factors was to be put in place. Having trading skills facilitated the movement to the West.  It also be noted that the expansion was to be fast if the available technology would allow. The immigrants and the American settlers however found that it harnessing the frontier was very difficult as it needed like 32 days to clear the land. Clearing of the land therefore brought an end to frontier. There was need to extend the railroad so as to facilitate the westward expansion. The executives of Pacific and Central pacific railroads drove a spike at the cliff so as to facilitate the  linking of the railroads in the region.


By linking the region, the journey through the North America took shorter period to the West as compared to when the railroad was not there. The expansion of the railroad made the use of the land such that the only track that was left was small as compared to when the railroad did not exist. In the 1880’s many immigrants and Americans moved to the westward to occupy the land that was occupied by the Native American Indians because the Indians were moved from the native land and hence the USA government passed an act to help settle them (Urbanization and
Immigration). The law is called the Dawes General Allotment act. the act was used to helping integrating the Indians among the whites. The act was used to allocate land for settlement. The Indians spiritually believed that they were in a position to regain their herds of bison that was nearly brought into extinction and hence by doing that, they would drive the whites to the east something that never saw the light if the day as we can see that the battle of the Wounded knee led to more Indians being subdued. Subduing of the Indians made the progression to the west to become effortless. Railroads therefore were able to spur from the Tran continental railway towards Southwest, North West
and North of the USA. The branch of the railroad led to the coming of cities like: Minnesota, Kansas City and Minneapolis. The coming of the above cities led to the expansion and improvement of land and hence Agriculture. Even after the Indians were subdued, inequality still  existed among the nations as most African American Women were still granted full freedom. Therefore, subduing the Indians led to increase settlement towards the west.
The former confederate states came together and formed a union that was considered to be second American industrial revolution and hence bringing more experience to the nation as a whole. The expansion of the Railroad allowed for the easy travelling of people across the Rocky Mountains through the great plains and finally ending in San Francisco in California (The Popularist Platform). While passing through the Native American Indian territories, the plains states that had fertile land was dominated by the homesteaders. The homesteaders however faced
a lot of problems. There crops were being destroyed by grasshoppers, recurrent fire and also hails. Due to the adverse weather conditions like lack of rainfall and hails, the homesteaders did not spend much of their time in the plain states. The industrial revolution therefore provided enough opportunities for people to move easily to the West inn such for the available opportunities. In conclusion, the movement towards the west was facilitated by: increase in population in the Eastern side of USA made people to move to the west which in turn led to the clearing of
land and hence bringing an end to frontier. Also, coming together of federal states made led to industrial revolution and hence attracting immigrants to move to move to move to the West in such of new opportunities that are available after the coming of industries. Subduing the Indians also facilitated the movement of people towards the West as railroads branched into many places and facilitated quick movement of people to the west. Settling of people in the West led to closure of frontier as more land was cleared to allow for settlement to take place.