4003PY - The Darker Side of Psychology

With the advent of Mental awareness week in May, UUK had introduced this new scheme in which the entire teaching, non-teaching staff, students, and their parents will be benefitted. It is inevitable to keep in a good mental state to face these pandemic challenges. Though the first move was in the form of online classes, adapting to it is again a stressful task. Further, the people who are involved shall be held responsible if anything goes wrong. Not to mistake, this may play a vital role in their performances too. Who knows, this performance can also impact on the monthly payments. 

It is inevitable to incorporate mental health and well being in every practice of the University. Indeed UUK wants this to be the absolute centre of attention. The focus of the first move was the student’s lives, but this move shall help the whole lot. The other side of the coin tells us the answer. 

How many teachers find it difficult to cope with this? 

How many line managers are facing challenges in this current situation? 

With this new approach, everyone’s query shall be solved. Quick attention to serious emotional cases shall bring massive positive results. 

On the flip side is the students’ career. 

How many students are finding it difficult to pay the rent? 

How many students shall be able to pay the next academic year’s fee? 

How many of them are in other time zones who cannot cope with the UK’s standard time classes?

Everything leads to stress. On top of it, social distancing and its emotional barricade that they carry. The approach towards mental health and well being shall be collectively serving everyone and making life easy too. The focus is placed on emotional state and then comes the professional life. 

The Universities have come up with various strategies and plans that can patch the missing gaps. In fact, addressing all the grey areas right now. Universities must imbibe this approach in everyday activities and also make it consistent. The constant effort towards the development of a positive mental state shall prove worthy results in the future. Of course, it is an effort for the longer run. Expecting results fast is not possible. Feedback can be procured from all available stakeholders in a timely fashion can help revamp or continue the same. All it requires action and the move is appreciated by all. 

Further, bringing parents into the loop makes it comprehensive. It is a 360-degree approach to keep everyone in good harmony. Timely actions, quick resolutions are a part of the new scheme. However, what all are looking at is a The range of disaster that the COVID-19 has created is varied. Coronavirus not only spread across humans as a deadly disease but also created a spectrum of problems. The Universities in the UK is highly appreciated to resorting to the new mode of learning and teaching. It was a rather quick decision and at the same time difficult for many to adapt and still facing issues to date. However, the Universities and all the stakeholders are confident that things can be put in place using the virtual model. Further to this was a massive beginning in the form of an improved approach towards mental health and well-ear to listen.