Business Research Methods

Evidence-based practice (EBP) offers the nursing practitioners some method to use so as to critically appraise and scientifically proof evidence that they use to deliver the best and quality healthcare to the specific population at hand. EBP aims to offers a most effective care available and aims to improve the patient outcomes. EBP aids the nursing team in making some data-backed solutions that combines clinical expertise and research researches into the decision-making process before attending to a patient.

 Patients have expectations that they shall receive the most qualified care depending on the best available evidence. EBP has gained good popularity because of their potential to handle clinically related  issues effectively and provide the patient with a better care although the implementation pace is quite slow. EBP combines a range of aspects such as the clinical expertise, and science backed evidence in order to come up with some better health care strategies that optimize care delivery to the patients.

The nurses also have a feeling that the EBP training and time together with the EBP training would offer more motivation so as to implement the EBP in the workplace and consider this to be critical towards the improvement of the patient care.

Despite the good reception of the EBP, nurses highlight that due to the heavy workload, it is sometimes difficult to keep up to date with the new evidences. It is revealed that the huge amount of literature on the healthcare that has been published in the various sources, poses some challenges to some of the staff in keeping up with the current studies and new evidence as well as the limited technical skills among the nursing fraternity.

The lack of adequate study time, the inability to capture some hard statistical terms, as well as inadequate understanding of the research jargon used in the respective articles. Also, for the search of literature, most of the nurses just use the basic search features and have very little familiarity with Boolean and proximity operators. Nurses require skills such as research analysis, problem solving skills and ability to make timely and complex decisions depending on the large amounts of evidence and data they have as well as ability to communicate their findings to the patients and also the families.