Contemporary Developments in Business and Management Assignment

Reliability and validity are two important parts of any successful research. Different research scholars have come up with insightful ways to shed light on validity vs reliability. When you write a dissertation, the quality assessment of your research depends on two factors. According to the experts, the measurement procedure must be trustable for a study to be considered valid. Reliability defines as the degree to which the research method produces consistent and stable results.

Validity and reliability are both about how good a method measures something:

  • Reliability defines to the consistency of a measure (where the results can be reproduced under the same conditions).
  • Validity refers to the accuracy of a measure (whether the results really do show what they are supposed to measure).

Role of Validity or reliability In Sociological Research

Before learning about the role of validity and reliability in Sociological research, let us learn about the definition of validity in the field of Sociology.

Validity Definition in Sociology

The definition of Validity in Sociology deals with the degree to that an instrument measures what it intends to measure.

Reliability and validity examples in Sociology present how different classes of people stay in a community and share a common environment.

if the number of people who receive speeding tickets in an area different immensely from day to day, week to week and so on, it is not a valid measurement of predictability. If the same number of tickets is received on a monthly or annual basis, it can be considered an authentic measurement.

Role of Reliability In Psychology

To understand reliability in Psychology, you need to know how the field of Psychology works. According to the experts, the field is frequently evolving with an increase in the understanding of human minds. Reliability vs. validity in Psychology is a complicated process. Experts are of the opinion that both explanations can be split into external and internal factors.

What Is Internal Reliability?

Internal reliability refers to the consistency of the measurement with itself. For instance, a personality test should produce the same results every time.

What Is External Reliability?

External reliability is the extent to that a measure varies from one use to another.

Validity in Psychology has various definitions altogether External validity can be developed by setting experiments in a more natural environment and selecting random sampling for participants.

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